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Oct 23, 2014
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40 mile yonder & PLUM NOWHERE
i've long pondered the way some if not most use mathematics equations , and complicated formulas to make your wines, such adherandance to wine making, where as i just go with the flow, after several years of pondering,, i have decided yawls enjoyment to your ways are as enjoyable to yawl as my ways are to me, , i can see now that your ways are as enjoyable to yawl as my ways are to me, after all after patience,,, is pleasing to ones self,, which is the entire point,
Hmmm... I think that the numbers are more about arithmetic than mathematics when we are talking about wine making. But I suspect that the value of numbers really turns on a desire for control.

You may be able to make a great wine every time you pitch your yeast but each batch you make may be very different from any other batch you make - even when you use what are ostensibly the same ingredients. Numbers used as targets help you make the current batch taste more like a clone of the previous one.

Related to consistency is the ability through numbers to control outcomes rather than leave everything to chance. If I know the TA of this batch of hibiscus wine and I know that it is OK but could be more (or less) tart, then I know what TA I need to aim for for my next batch - all other things being equal (ABV, sweetness, tannin levels etc) .

In short , numbers are about control and highlight their use points to whether the wine maker leaves more or fewer things to chance and luck
Welp, in the hills away from sophisticated folk like you for generations we have done just fine, mathematics or arithmetics, split any hair you wish, to be honest, yawls best has been boones farm , tj swan and mad dog,,,, you are free to suit yourself, because you can bet your bottom dollar. i'm only worried about suiting myself period, see how nice that is? and nare a true country wine is ever described as earthy (dirt) chalky (tasted that back in school) leather (so sad) ,,, naw i'm cool with the country way, like i said suit yourself, because you can bet, I am,,,,,,,,

Hmmm... I think that the numbers are more about arithmetic than mathematics when we are talking about wine making. But I suspect that the value of numbers really turns on a desire for control.

You may be able to make a great wine every time you pitch your yeast but each batch you make may be very different from any other batch you make - even when you use what are ostensibly the same ingredients. Numbers used as targets help you make the current batch taste more like a clone of the previous one.

Related to consistency is the ability through numbers to control outcomes rather than leave everything to chance. If I know the TA of this batch of hibiscus wine and I know that it is OK but could be more (or less) tart, then I know what TA I need to aim for for my next batch - all other things being equal (ABV, sweetness, tannin levels etc) .

In short , numbers are about control and highlight their use points to whether the wine maker leaves more or fewer things to chance and luck
Math explains the physical world. It doesn't define it. Do you measure anything in your wine making? 1 pack of yeast? 2 pounds of sugar? It's all math.
i measure everything, i keep track of everything, but i sure don;t agonize over trying to match any ones preconceived expectations, or copy any wine you'll find on any rack, to those that do i have no problem with, but it sure seems funny that my ways get such scrutiny, do my own thing and have no problem with those that do as they please, i make what i please , and no one else should have a problem with that, i have never made any wine that i did not do from scratch, no kits, no grapes, to those that do i'm cool with that, as i said suit ones self, as for educating me on what defines the world, please,,, if you aint fond of my opinions you are free to breeze on by, as i said you do your way ,, i.ll dang sure do my ways, from generations of old timers that learned to make very good wines with out trying to copy others ways?,, so dose my ways needle you ?, if so why,, i came here in peace, my tannings come from crabapples, , i grow most of my fruits and berries, i use 243 feet deep well water running through lime stone, i'm as free to suit myself as you are, since i have no problem with you suiting yourself it makes me wonder, why you worry how i do my ways,,, Funny Huh,,,
Get um Dawg....... I make all kinds of wines, mainly fruit juice wine from peaches, plums, apples, oranges, kits and the like. I please my own taste and no one else’s.......
I try to go by the seemingly simple winemaking rules that apply, but I do mainly what I like to do.
as do i. but i'll be dang if i'll worry about parts per million,,,,gallon-pint-quart,
that's what gets me, in this post all i said i could see how others enjoy all that figuring, when a bit of well water some sugar, fruits an/or berries and yeast along with my trusty hydrometer, i've got a ph meter and other toys, but jeeze , i explained how i could see how they enjoyed fretting, as i enjoy of instinct and taste, but ole well, hehe no worries till you hear, HEY YAWL WATCH THIS, lol
Get um Dawg....... I make all kinds of wines, mainly fruit juice wine from peaches, plums, apples, oranges, kits and the like. I please my own taste and no one else’s.......
you're a manure stirrer lol. i like that about you,,,,,, and heck yeah, your wines sound great to me, i like those who walk their own walk, we are the sheep that eat the wolves,,,,,,
About 20 seasons ago, I bought grapes from a local grower and made my first wine. I followed what books told me and added this and that to change the grape juice into something it was "supposed" to be, but after a few years I realized I didn't know what I was doing, didn't have sophisticated measuring equipment and decided to take the lazy approach. The wine will be what it is. Its going to be different every year.
I'm not going to intervene. If I don't like it, I'll blend it, distill it or dump it.
After a while I realized that if you start out with good ingredients, the wine almost makes itself, you don't have to do a whole lot to make good wine. Most of my effort goes into getting good grapes or juice.
I started making wine because so many commercial wines I can afford are too acidic, too tannic or just poorly made. I use PH numbers to determine how much so2 to use to protect my wine. Use math to decide how much potassium bicarbonate to add, I used to be more concerned about TA and measuring free so2. Now I add minimum amounts of so2 and don’t worry. I measure SG so I know how much alcohol I’ll have. Basic wine making can be easy if the right ingredients are used with good fruit. I’m closing in on my style of wine that I like, I do make wine for family as well but it’s usually a kit and I just follow instructions. Country wine making is fun, I’ve made very good blackberry and blueberry wines and some really bad apple and strawberry wine as well as bad pie cherry wine.
I started making wine because so many commercial wines I can afford are too acidic, too tannic or just poorly made. I use PH numbers to determine how much so2 to use to protect my wine. Use math to decide how much potassium bicarbonate to add, I used to be more concerned about TA and measuring free so2. Now I add minimum amounts of so2 and don’t worry. I measure SG so I know how much alcohol I’ll have. Basic wine making can be easy if the right ingredients are used with good fruit. I’m closing in on my style of wine that I like, I do make wine for family as well but it’s usually a kit and I just follow instructions. Country wine making is fun, I’ve made very good blackberry and blueberry wines and some really bad apple and strawberry wine as well as bad pie cherry wine.
you'll get there strawberry tart/sour cherry, sweet cherry taste like cough syrup, and yes agreed basic math is needed, but parts per million is only needed for coping commercial, i've made mass amounts of country wines all are very good, not only to me but to many others in my neck of the woods, when working commercial retail, once i spent a couple grand on 2 bottles of wine, one sip o f each and i poured them down the drain, now very old cognac, oh my gawd you wanna talk good, FMAR, that is divine to say the least,,,
I wish I could just 'freestyle' it. I'm on my first kit. I'm following everything to the letter. I'm guessing I should follow the rules to learn them. When I get a few batches under my belt I'll jump out doing my own thing. I do want to get into country wines. It's something I'm reading up on at this very moment.
well I’m a city boy. Never really even heard of country fruit wine till saw it on this forum. I grew up with winemaking. But we lived in small rowhomes with no property to grow fruit.

family would buy grapes or juice from a local distributor and make their dinner vino supply for the year. process was simple & old school tho they still had their little tricks and techniques they used. But was more about family then it was the wine.

I took that style and now with the internet was able to add my own style and improve the wine.
And mainly— I ENJOY IT and learning little nuances about the process. It’s fun for me. And I have No hate for anyone else’s style.

But not sure why your so defensive dawg. Have people been giving you sh*t about your winemaking ?
well I’m a city boy. Never really even heard of country fruit wine till saw it on this forum. I grew up with winemaking. But we lived in small rowhomes with no property to grow fruit.

family would buy grapes or juice from a local distributor and make their dinner vino supply for the year. process was simple & old school tho they still had their little tricks and techniques they used. But was more about family then it was the wine.

I took that style and now with the internet was able to add my own style and improve the wine.
And mainly— I ENJOY IT and learning little nuances about the process. It’s fun for me. And I have No hate for anyone else’s style.

But not sure why your so defensive dawg. Have people been giving you sh*t about your winemaking ?
a few don't care for my lack of traditional style, i've tried to make some understand that with a tracheostomy, it way reduces my palliat, smell is your biggest attribute to taste, and some say country wines are not wines, so be it, i'm fine with their views yet back in olden times dates and grapes were both used, and mead, also known as honey wine, it ain't near as bad as it used to be, and most on here are very helpful, but i still now and then get told i can't make the same wine year to year, which from growing i knew who made elderberry and muscadine, and who could do so with razor precision year in and year out, like them little nuances, i made this post saying i understand they enjoy there way and i enjoy mine yet i get semantics on arithmetic vs mathematics, then the next post was how do you measure 1 packet of yeast so on so forth, i've been all over the united states, and walked by myself in most ever projects sleep in them all but harlem i was downtown harlem from 2am to 4 am, but i knew better then to sleep there, so yes if i feel someone is being even slightly condescension , yep i speak up, the only thing i fear on this earth is a mad woman, lol, and it has only been 3 or 4, but i am as proud of my elders ways as you are of those that came long before you,
I wish I could just 'freestyle' it. I'm on my first kit. I'm following everything to the letter. I'm guessing I should follow the rules to learn them. When I get a few batches under my belt I'll jump out doing my own thing. I do want to get into country wines. It's something I'm reading up on at this very moment.
yes and once you learn the basics you'll never believe how many ways you can go,
yes and once you learn the basics you'll never believe how many ways you can go,

^^^ YES. THIS !

This says it all. Learn the basics. Understand what you’re doing. And then mold your process and your wine however ya want. As long as you are aware of what you’re doing then any reason for any decision is justified. There is no wrong way!
To each their own.

We may come from extremely different backgrounds, and make completely different wines with completely different processes, but one thing is certain—— a pissed off woman is scares us just the same! 😂

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