I started a batch of wine pretty ignorant and seek help
5 gal. fresh picked wild muscadine
20# cane sugar
5 gal. water
7 campden tablets
3 oz. acid blend
1/2 teaspoon pectic Blend
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
s.c. was1.113
tartic acid=.625
sulfuric=4.0 ppt
added 2 packs of lalvin K1-V1116 yeast
this was in a loosely covered sanitized stainless pot, bubbling began pretty quickly. I pressed the cap down a few times a day looked good lots of bubbles.
Transferred into a 6 gal. carboy and 2 1 gal. jars with air locks.
After just a couple of days had a lot of sediment so I racked again condensing down to 6 gal. and a 1 gal. carboys I added 1 camden tablet / gal. at this time.
s.g 1.1015
there has been almost no bubbling at all since I put into secondary, and s.g. is not changed.
Wine is a pretty color and taste good too sweet but good flavor.
What is the best way to restart fermentation
I already know I started with too much sugar.
Buddy in south Louisiana
5 gal. fresh picked wild muscadine
20# cane sugar
5 gal. water
7 campden tablets
3 oz. acid blend
1/2 teaspoon pectic Blend
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
s.c. was1.113
tartic acid=.625
sulfuric=4.0 ppt
added 2 packs of lalvin K1-V1116 yeast
this was in a loosely covered sanitized stainless pot, bubbling began pretty quickly. I pressed the cap down a few times a day looked good lots of bubbles.
Transferred into a 6 gal. carboy and 2 1 gal. jars with air locks.
After just a couple of days had a lot of sediment so I racked again condensing down to 6 gal. and a 1 gal. carboys I added 1 camden tablet / gal. at this time.
s.g 1.1015
there has been almost no bubbling at all since I put into secondary, and s.g. is not changed.
Wine is a pretty color and taste good too sweet but good flavor.
What is the best way to restart fermentation
I already know I started with too much sugar.
Buddy in south Louisiana