Other Starting a kit with spent grapes from previous fermentation

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
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DC Suburbs
I've read about a few people having success using spent grapes in a kit. I decided to give it a go myself this weekend. On Sunday, I pressed 3 lugs of Lanza Cabernet. I then mixed up a Kenridge LR '3 Country Cabernet' kit according to directions and added to it about 2 gallons of skins from that pressing. I'm now wondering what to do about barrel aging this kit. I have 1 barrel reserved for kits that presumably hasn't been infected with MLB. Should I worry about putting this particular kit into that barrel?
I've read about a few people having success using spent grapes in a kit. I decided to give it a go myself this weekend. On Sunday, I pressed 3 lugs of Lanza Cabernet. I then mixed up a Kenridge LR '3 Country Cabernet' kit according to directions and added to it about 2 gallons of skins from that pressing. I'm now wondering what to do about barrel aging this kit. I have 1 barrel reserved for kits that presumably hasn't been infected with MLB. Should I worry about putting this particular kit into that barrel?

I barrel age my kits with added pressed skins, but don't add MLB til after pressing, so I assume my skins don't already have it present. If you keep up with your SO2, it shouldn't be a problem. If I recall, the kit sulfite is about 75 ppm when added. Obviously, I don't put them in the MLF barrel. My results have been noticeable in a very good way.
I would put it into the barrel reserved for Kits. That way you shouldn't have to worry about an unwanted MLF. Just my $0.02
Thanks guys. Should have clarified that I did NOT inoculate with MLB. Figured I'd be safe to use the kit barrel, but wasn't sure if there'd be 'wild' MLB on the grapes already.
So, @Johnd: When you've done this, have you had any issues with H2S? I used MT yeast on the Lanza Cab. When I got home last night, there was a pretty good H2S smell. I dosed it with a little over a teaspoon of Fermaid O. By this morning, it had dissipated some, but was definitely still there. Just wondering if a more aggressive nutrient regimen is needed.
So, @Johnd: When you've done this, have you had any issues with H2S? I used MT yeast on the Lanza Cab. When I got home last night, there was a pretty good H2S smell. I dosed it with a little over a teaspoon of Fermaid O. By this morning, it had dissipated some, but was definitely still there. Just wondering if a more aggressive nutrient regimen is needed.

No, I've not, but I always use a nutrient regimen, only half the recommended dosage on kits since they have some added already.

So I'm guessing that your original yeast took off with no problems?
No, I've not, but I always use a nutrient regimen, only half the recommended dosage on kits since they have some added already.

So I'm guessing that your original yeast took off with no problems?

Aside from the H2S, yes. Got the kit started around 5pm on Sunday. By the time I went to bed, there was audible fizzing. Monday morning, the two bags (one w/ grapes, one w/ grape pack) were bloated and floating and I had a nice, bubbling cauldron of Cabernet. Fingers crossed - maybe by tonight it will have fully dissipated.
Arrived home tonight to a much more pleasant smell. Not 100% gone, but pretty close. Not sure how vigorous a yeast MT is (my first time with it), but it seems to be much happier now.

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