Source for 30X60BVS/BVP 30mm screw-top bottles for use with Novatwist?

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Preemptive has-been
Oct 20, 2018
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Hi all -

I've searched and can't find an answer: I want to bottle some upcoming wines with Novatwist caps, and they require 30mm screw-top (30X60BVS/BVP) finish bottles. My usual sources are all 28mm. Anyone have any sources for the oddball size?

go back to whomever you bought the Novatwist caps he may have a source. I had to go to a winery that order from there source. Waterloo container which is in New York State may have some but you will need to purchase industrial size quantity. I bought my caps here Products – Winemaker Products
Revisiting this, as I hope to have some bottling to do in the next few weeks. I've contacted Waterloo, who advertise no minimum quantity and that they sell to home winemakers, but never received a response. Does anyone have a source for GPI 1680 (BVS and BVP 30 x 60 neck) Stelvin bottles? In not pallet quantities?
Looks like this won't be an option for the dragon fruit blend. Maybe I can source them for the rose later this spring...
I looked, and didn't see anything about bottles. I haven't called yet, but will when the rose I haven't started is ready for bottling. Same with Waterloo - not responding to emails, but haven't called yet.

I did notice that Winemaker Products says they distribute through Keystone Homebrew, which is fairly local to me, but I didn't see any of their stuff on Keystone's site...
I had to call to get the bottles when I bought the Novatwist tops. the owner may have a source also. I buy mine from a winery that is using screw tops for there wines.
I had to call to get the bottles when I bought the Novatwist tops. the owner may have a source also. I buy mine from a winery that is using screw tops for there wines.
Good thought - I've got a buddy who just started using screw tops in his winery. I'll drop him a line. Thanks!
Hi all -

I've searched and can't find an answer: I want to bottle some upcoming wines with Novatwist caps, and they require 30mm screw-top (30X60BVS/BVP) finish bottles. My usual sources are all 28mm. Anyone have any sources for the oddball size?

If you could tell me your source for the 28mm? I’m looking for replacement screw caps. Thx