Soo... when does this hobby pay for itself?

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Heck, pay for itself.
I'm already money ahead!!
First of all, I'm drinking what I make,
Second, with work being so slow if I wasn't home trying to make wine or out picking blackberries,,,
I would probably be chasing some good looking country girl named Lucille!
And do you know what a divorce would cost me??

::ROFLMAO, that makes sense to me!!:)
Dont you save money at the grocery store now?

Ha. They wont even let us buy wine in the grocery store in NY.

And no not really. We still do tastings every Friday night and end up picking up a bottle. Once my cellar inventory catches up I'm sure I'll be a little better off.
I'm gonna need to look into a permit to sell alcohol myself. I've had people already asking me about buying our wine after tastings. So this is how I see it now....

1. Make wine.
2. Sell wine.
3. ????
4. Profit!

yep... U might have forgot a couple of steps before the profit shows up

permit fees
sales taxes
income taxes
state taxes
Federal taxes

yep... U might have forgot a couple of steps before the profit shows up

permit fees
sales taxes
income taxes
state taxes
Federal taxes


I think I'll bypass all those fees with my Bootlegger License. :)
I've made wine for a few people.. They buy the kit and get 15-20 bottles, depending on what it is.. I keep the rest. Not turning a profit (depending on how you look at it), but keeping expenses down for sure!
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I have done the same thing depending on the friendship. If I am making/bottling the wine, getting and cleaning the bottles you bet your *** its worth half the product. On the other hand, I give a lot away and then there are your friends that are not taking advantage and one way or another return the favor.
I wish that we could get back to the days when I person could do "ANYTHING" within reason to make a living and not worry about license's or being overly taxed.

But those days are gone.

You can thank the Goberments!

Robinhood has become a thing of the past. No more rob from the rich and give to the poor.
Now it's rob from the poor and give to the rich.
Or, make wine to sell to the rich and tell them to keep their mouths shut. :)
We used to buy a lot more wine... so I'm definitely coming out ahead... and I'm enjoying the hobby. I still think some of the wine I buy is better than the most of the stuff I've made. The thing is, it's 10 times as expensive as mine, but it is not 10 times better. And the hobby side has me improving my processes and techniques to hopefully get as good as some of those bottles I buy from wineries.

It also allows me to make things that I can't really buy. Mead for one. Not only is it hard to find real mead, but even when I have my stuff was much better than the commercial bottles I tried. Most of them went down the sink while mine are pretty good and sought after by friends.

Gifts is also where I easily make back my expenses and then some. My wife and I used to buy cases of wine and beer to give out as small gifts at work and to friends... but now we give out our own wine and beer. It's much cheaper to produce and people are far more appreciative of it. The really neat thing about this is that we have been able to turn people onto things they hadn't tried or thought they didn't like because of preconceptions (dark beers are number one on that list).
We used to buy a lot more wine... so I'm definitely coming out ahead... and I'm enjoying the hobby. I still think some of the wine I buy is better than the most of the stuff I've made. The thing is, it's 10 times as expensive as mine, but it is not 10 times better. And the hobby side has me improving my processes and techniques to hopefully get as good as some of those bottles I buy from wineries.

It also allows me to make things that I can't really buy. Mead for one. Not only is it hard to find real mead, but even when I have my stuff was much better than the commercial bottles I tried. Most of them went down the sink while mine are pretty good and sought after by friends.

Gifts is also where I easily make back my expenses and then some. My wife and I used to buy cases of wine and beer to give out as small gifts at work and to friends... but now we give out our own wine and beer. It's much cheaper to produce and people are far more appreciative of it. The really neat thing about this is that we have been able to turn people onto things they hadn't tried or thought they didn't like because of preconceptions (dark beers are number one on that list).

Well put....
thanks for the link to good ole george ill have to check him out.
I joked with Nancy about if I wasn't making wine I would be out chasing women and the divorce would be more expensive than making wine..
She just shook her head and said,, "not divorce! Funeral!!"
I am sorry I didn't see this thread ealier! Myakkagldwngr I like the way your wife thinks! Anyway you possibly in myakka florida and ride a gold wing? :)
it paid for itself for me today...I gave my boss 2 bottles for his thx giving dinner sunday and he gave me the rest of the day off :D
Just think, Every sip you take is tax money Obama doesn't get!

No No No! Then who's gun'a pay for them bailed out bankers' million dollar bonuses!!! :sm

Then they would have to have their private airplanes repossessed. :m
No No No! Then who's gun'a pay for them bailed out bankers' million dollar bonuses!!! :sm

Then they would have to have their private airplanes repossessed. :m

How about we just keep this a secret amung was winemakers. I would not want the "gubment" to find out about this. If they knew how much fun this is, you can be sure that they would tax the #$%@ out of it.

Case in point ..

It was cigarettes (gee, ain't we lucky to have them looking out for us), now it is sugar and salt, soon it will be red meat, then it will be wine and beer making supplies!
Well I drink a lot less whiskey now that I make my own beer and wine, so that's one way I'm saving money. Liquor is expensive in Canada. The beer I make for about $6.50/doz would cost me about $22 in the store. And wine I make for $1.50-$4 / bottle would cost probably over $15.

Also I get the bottles for free. It's not hard to do that, and who cares if they're not all the same! Although I have enough wine bottles now that I'm only keeping the bordeaux bottles and tossing the other kinds.

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