Running Wolf-
I've been doing what you describe (or attempting to). So I angle my auto-siphon into the "uphill" side of the carboy while racking, then when it gets nearly to the bottom I tip the carboy the other way. The problem I had with the last one is that the sediment all slide along the bottom when I tipped the carboy, so I did end up sucking up some of the pink stuff.
So two questions:
1) I hope getting a little sediment into your clearing carboy isn't an issue? I'm two weeks into clearing my W.E. Lodi Cab Sav, so this was my first racking after adding the clearing agents. There was a thick layer of lees I was racking off. I already have some sediment at the bottom of the new carboy.
2) The wine still looks very cloudy to me but I'm not worried yet since the instructions say to leave it for another month now before checking for clarity. I don't really know how to check these dark reds for clarity. For my previous kits I've been shining my big flashlight through it and looking from the other side. On this kit right now I can't see it at all yet, but in the past I've been able to see the light pretty clearly by the end of the clearing. Not shining brightly, but you can see the light, sort of like looking through a tinted lense or a welding helmet. Does that sound right?