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Aug 18, 2009
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I am new to making wine and the POMEGRANATE WILDBERRY ZINFANDEL kit is what was recomended to me by my local brew shop,My question is the instructions say to leave it in the primary fermenter for approx. 14 days until i get a S.G of 0.998 or lower,i am at day day 6 and am starting to get Anxious to check it so should i wait until day 14 before testing it and also how do i take a S.G without running the risk of getting outside contaminates into it?
I am new to making wine and the POMEGRANATE WILDBERRY ZINFANDEL kit is what was recomended to me by my local brew shop,My question is the instructions say to leave it in the primary fermenter for approx. 14 days until i get a S.G of 0.998 or lower,i am at day day 6 and am starting to get Anxious to check it so should i wait until day 14 before testing it and also how do i take a S.G without running the risk of getting outside contaminates into it?

Welcome to our forum,

don't panic about kit instructions, any temperature variation will ruin your plans. Include nightime drops in temperature. leave it til day 14.. and it may still say it's not ready.. or is over requirements.

I leave my kits in a primary for far too long..hell if it is bubbling relatively fast.. I leave it.. even if it is over the 10 day instructions.

If it's under airlock and not on the lees for long.. don't stress.

Kit manufacturers want you to finish and bottle a wine , then consume it as fast as you can.. so they can sell you another kit.

These instructions are there to finish fermenting in primary which is very good, especially for the beginner as it helps the wine degas tself bettr which is usually the #1 problem with new wine makers bottling a gassy wine. It also helps drop more sediment this way o you transfer less over to glass which works well with the fining agents included with this kit. Some other brands of fining agents require more sediment(lees) to be in the wine and actually stirred up with the fining agent to work properly. Glad to have you here and the only stupid question is 1 not asked!
We made this kit a few months ago and now is one of my wife's favorites!

HEY! I used to live in Norwalk on Ferris Ave some 38 years ago.
Do you know a guy named Vince who lives there?
Welcome 3rdhand2, Im not to far from you in Middlebury, Ct. and work in Shelton.
I just picked up this kit today to try
I have made a few OB kits in the past and made them as recommended
banana pineapple, raspberry, peach, strawberry, i added 1/2 of the F-pak
to the primary on some but still found them too sweet and overly fruit flavored
so for this one im following Wade's suggestion and bumping up the SG to 1.09
and then sweeten to taste, aiming for more of a fruit flavored wine rather than a summer cooler type drink.
it worked out nicely......
Day 46 today, had some free time and some empties so i bottled it.
tasted good ! like a fruit wine, rather than an overly fruity cooler
just what i had hoped for :try