Putting Labels On Straight

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Senior Member
Jan 2, 2010
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Anyone have an easy way to put labels on straight? I'm not too bad but I can get bummed out when I'm making a nice label for someone and it's slightly crooked. You know it's never the ones you keep and drink, just the ones you give away.

I've tried to line up by eye and get it straight against the side. Darn bifocals
You asked.

Keep both eyes closed and watch out for the dog!

I know there is something sarcastic to say but you started this!

Frankly, putting it on crooked shows home brewing, cant buy the care that goes into that any way else.

You know what goes into it, if the label matters that much, then stand on your head, close both eyes and hope its the bottle it ends up on.

Sarcasmn is sure to follow.
You asked.

Keep both eyes closed and watch out for the dog!

I know there is something sarcastic to say but you started this!

Frankly, putting it on crooked shows home brewing, cant buy the care that goes into that any way else.

You know what goes into it, if the label matters that much, then stand on your head, close both eyes and hope its the bottle it ends up on.

Sarcasmn is sure to follow.

"I kept wondering why the floor appeared to be getting closer..., than it hit me."

http://arcticsid.blogspot.com This is my kind of humor Sid!

Sarcasmn! You should hear me when my wife watches the news. I can really dish it out. We both agree, we will never allow any news reporter to interview us. Ha Ha Ha

Maybe I'm too picky?
I try to make sure I don't drink before labeling. Either way I always end up with a couple of crooked ones. :)
Allright you asked for it!!LOL

Why put he labels on anyway?

Let me se if I can do this.." zuh label thing didn't go on just write me, but not now, just is wasn't on it, sheet, well let me go to the utter bottle seet, now the dog has one, hell, some tines ir not for zee bottle."

That was my best drunk british accent.!!LMFAO.
I use a labeling rack and I can't even get them all on at the same height let alone straight. If you got a good label, people wont even notice or care or they are within reason.
Allright you asked for it!!LOL

Why put he labels on anyway?

Let me se if I can do this.." zuh label thing didn't go on just write me, but not now, just is wasn't on it, sheet, well let me go to the utter bottle seet, now the dog has one, hell, some tines ir not for zee bottle."

That was my best drunk british accent.!!LMFAO.

Why put labels on? I did a rough count the other day of my wines while on my couch. If memory still works I have 26 wines plus all the variations of each wine.

I'm the one making the stuff and I can't remember what shelf it's on, which side, and is it on the front or rear of the shelf. I've become a wine making addict. I need help.

And I had to wipe my eyes a moment ago as I'm ROTFLMAO
Personally I lay my bottles down on a table one at a time, place the label on and then try to replicate that another 26 to 29 times. They don't always end up the same but like Dan said . . . who's to notice.

Gift the GOOD labels, drink the crooked ones.
Than he wonders why the wife is mad! Get them off the couch!!! LOL

"Honey, the mattress seems stiff", "well sweetie ran out of room under the couch cushions". Honey why are there wine bottles in the laundry closet?" Honey how come fluffy doesn't go in the dog house anymore?"

It never ends. Took me 3000 posts to figure this out.ROTFLMFAO
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Ive seen some racks designed for this purpose but dont see how they would really help. I use the pregummed label paper and they give you some time to adjust them even after they are on the bottle and thats just another reason I like this paper.
Anyone have an easy way to put labels on straight? I'm not too bad but I can get bummed out when I'm making a nice label for someone and it's slightly crooked. You know it's never the ones you keep and drink, just the ones you give away.

I've tried to line up by eye and get it straight against the side. Darn bifocals

Best way is by NOT taste any wine while bottling. By TASTING you can't tell if they are on straight. :slp
Every bottle I've put labels on has two seams on the side. I always line up one edge with the seam.:D
Every bottle I've put labels on has two seams on the side. I always line up one edge with the seam.:D

Yeah right Rocket you're problem still a spring chicken that ate a lot of carrots also. Too many old farts on here like myself that would have to squint pretty hard too find those fine lines LOL.
dj - I was at a small winery in NZ and we would put labels on with a wire guide. It was basically a wide board on which you could lay 12 bottles with a wire strung along above the bottles where the bottom edge of the label would go and you simply lined up with the wire. You could probably make a smaller version for a couple of bottles at a time.
I simply line up by eye, manage to get a few straight that can be given away and get an occasional upsidedowner!
That board contraption wouldn't work for me. All of my bottles are different sizes and shapes. Maybe when I go commercial and use brand new bottles, I'll have to look into one of those things.
That board contraption wouldn't work for me. All of my bottles are different sizes and shapes. Maybe when I go commercial and use brand new bottles, I'll have to look into one of those things.

That's the problem with misc. bottles. I was labeling some bottles awhile ago using misc. bottles given to me by friends. Some were slightly narrower at the top than the bottom. The labels were off by a mile. What is the problem!

After that I got bottles from a winery cheap so I have some consistance. Plus odd bottles don't stack well.

Lying in bed last night I may have an idea that would help. I'll ponder it and post later. Sorry I'm too picky!
Allright you asked for it!!LOL

Why put he labels on anyway?

Let me se if I can do this.." zuh label thing didn't go on just write me, but not now, just is wasn't on it, sheet, well let me go to the utter bottle seet, now the dog has one, hell, some tines ir not for zee bottle."

That was my best drunk british accent.!!LMFAO.

Honey? Do you even know what a bottle is? LOL.
WE all know Troy DON'T use labels. Then again does he have any bottles? Where would he keep them?
All you need is my amazin' eyeballin' skillz and every label will always be straight. :sm
Easy for you to say, you have the right angles on your avatar, I have a crooked dog hind leg.:D

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