Phyn Water Monitor and Shut Off Valve

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Mildly Amused
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2022
Reaction score
Central Alberta
When I posted my water leak, I mentioned that I was going to install a whole house monitor and shut off. I remember a few members saying that should be a standard item in every home, so I thought I would share my thoughts.

I posted a blurb about installing it. It has been a couple of weeks now and it has learned my system. You identify all your taps, toilets, sinks, tub, shower, pot filler etc. and it will go into a learning stage that takes about 1000 events. Flushes, showers, etc. For me it was 800 ish and under 2 weeks. This enables the auto shut off mode. Saturday I came home from a dinner and I was sore and decided to run the tub. Usually the dishwasher is the only thing to run after 10pm so Phyn sent my phone a message. Unusual water flow, then another text, auto shut off alert for unusual water flow, and then auto shut off cancelled, usage identified as bath tub.

You have the option to shut it off on the first warning and if you miss the message, then Phyn will shut off the water.

This was about 8 hours after auto shut off was enabled. I think it will learn the system more accurately as we go and identify things faster. Meaning I don't think I will get a tub warning after a little more learning. I think it was mostly due to the unusual hour of usage.

You can put it to away mode which makes it hyper sensitive, but you can also just shut off the valve from your phone, which I intend to do while away.

Every night it does a system check. It closes the valve for 6 minutes and calculates pressure drop. It uses harmonic resonance, so it 'listens' for water flow as well. Every day you open the app you can see last nights test. what the pressure variance was, current pressure, and temperature. I like the daily test because it tests the valve. I read that other makes had been installed for 5 years and when a water leak occurred the valve was frozen open from inactivity. Every day you get a self diagnostic, a leak test, and you can verify that the system is still functioning.

You can see every 'event'. Sink, toilet, tub, shower, and how much water was used. Nothing I NEED to know, but it's interesting.

I said before that it cost about half the cost of undoing a simple leak. I like the peace of mind. I like that I can just shut off the water any time I like. I wouldn't want to live without one now that I have it. So, there it is for your consideration.

I shut the water off taking a screenshot. Normally is says water on with a green check. You push that to shut it off at any time.
You can further select toilet and it will show you each use, the time, and amounts used
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When I posted my water leak, I mentioned that I was going to install a whole house monitor and shut off. I remember a few members saying that should be a standard item in every home, so I thought I would share my thoughts.

I posted a blurb about installing it. It has been a couple of weeks now and it has learned my system. You identify all your taps, toilets, sinks, tub, shower, pot filler etc. and it will go into a learning stage that takes about 1000 events. Flushes, showers, etc. For me it was 800 ish and under 2 weeks. This enables the auto shut off mode. Saturday I came home from a dinner and I was sore and decided to run the tub. Usually the dishwasher is the only thing to run after 10pm so Phyn sent my phone a message. Unusual water flow, then another text, auto shut off alert for unusual water flow, and then auto shut off cancelled, usage identified as bath tub.

You have the option to shut it off on the first warning and if you miss the message, then Phyn will shut off the water.

This was about 8 hours after auto shut off was enabled. I think it will learn the system more accurately as we go and identify things faster. Meaning I don't think I will get a tub warning after a little more learning. I think it was mostly due to the unusual hour of usage.

You can put it to away mode which makes it hyper sensitive, but you can also just shut off the valve from your phone, which I intend to do while away.

Every night it does a system check. It closes the valve for 6 minutes and calculates pressure drop. It uses harmonic resonance, so it 'listens' for water flow as well. Every day you open the app you can see last nights test. what the pressure variance was, current pressure, and temperature. I like the daily test because it tests the valve. I read that other makes had been installed for 5 years and when a water leak occurred the valve was frozen open from inactivity. Every day you get a self diagnostic, a leak test, and you can verify that the system is still functioning.

You can see every 'event'. Sink, toilet, tub, shower, and how much water was used. Nothing I NEED to know, but it's interesting.

I said before that it cost about half the cost of undoing a simple leak. I like the peace of mind. I like that I can just shut off the water any time I like. I wouldn't want to live without one now that I have it. So, there it is for your consideration.

View attachment 96296
View attachment 96297
I shut the water off taking a screenshot. Normally is says water on with a green check. You push that to shut it off at any time.
View attachment 96298
You can further select toilet and it will show you each use, the time, and amounts used

You have me thinking about it....
Absolutely no pressure, but for a limited time only.... 365 equal payments of only 1 dollar and 18 cents! Less than a cup of coffee, and for peace of mind?

😆 I kid of course. Zero affiliation, just happy to have it in place.
I'm on a well. We've had the same function for years.
You could buy one and wire it into a solenoid controlled shutoff valve to get the same function on a city supply. Just adjust the pressure upward on the low side. No cell connection, you'd just come home and the water would be off.
An alternate app-based model.
This is pretty cool. We've had some issues in this house with the plumbing. Two broken pipes (one was my fault) and two sewer backups/replacements in the last 6 years. I have a moisture monitor near the condensate drain in the basement floor and have thought about an auto shutoff valve.