Trying to keep it simple... and cheap...
Thanks again, for your helpful replies.
I found the ad below (I won't tell you from what site or manufacturer) and in looking at it appears that most of this stuff is unnecessary, including all of the additives, such as "yeast nutrient" (which I imagine is sugar?).
Here is the kit description:
Contains Enough Ingredients To Make At Least Five 5 Gallon Batches Of Wine Using "Your Fruit!"
(KT310) Ideal for someone who has the fruit but doesn`t know where to start. This kit has all of the supplies you need to make just about any type of fruit wine imaginable in 5 gallon batches: fermenting container, straining bag, hose, corks, basic ingredients. But, more importantly it comes with a recipe book containing over 100 recipes for making everything from Apricots to Watermelon. It also comes with the book "First Steps In Winemaking" which contains over 100 more recipes as well. This book is excellent for the beginning winemaker and compliments this kit nicely.
First Steps In Winemaking Book
Winemaker`s Recipe Handbook
6 Gal. Screw-Top Poly-Fermenter
Fermentation Bag
Triple Scale Hydrometer
Siphoning Hose
5 Pkgs. Wine Yeast (5 batches)
1 oz. Pectic Enzyme (7 batches)
6 oz. Acid Blend (7 batches)
6 oz. Yeast Nutrient (7 batches)
3 oz. Yeast Energizer (7 batches)
2 oz. Wine Tannin (7 batches)
100 Campden Tablets (7 batches)
5 oz. CleanProSDH (30 gals. Of Solution)
25 Wine Bottle Labels (1 batch)
30 Mushroom Corks (1 batch)
30 Heat Shrink Capsules (1 batch)
A great value for the beginner or continuing winemaker. If you bought these items separately, it would cost you $117.78.
I'm thinking that what I DO need out of all this is the plastic bucket (food grade), a nylon stocking, a siphoning hose, corks and some yeast (assuming I get bottles free from a restaurant, and my fruit free from my garden or grocery).
Or is all of that stuff really important?
If this is all I need, can someone supply with the name and model of the "perfect" bucket (I'll want two) and any other "must have" equipment?
I'm dubious about even needing yeast at all. As an experiment, I took a few grapes and put them in a bowl with a cloth cover and let them rot. Sure enough, the ambient yeast fermented them into wine and the alcohol produced killed all bacteria. That is how it was/is done the world over for centuries, no?
I'm trying to keep it simple, simple, simple... and cheap.
Oh, and can the Franzia boxed wines (with the cool plastic bags inside) be recycled? Or does someone sell them? I hate fooling with glass. I'd rather not have a *dangerous* glass carboy, or cumbersome bottles if I can avoid them.