Yes there is somthing to that. If you press them dont go to hard as with pressing grapes anytime. Press some and taste and then press a little hared and taste, soon you will start tasting a very tannic taste and thats when you stop. You should never process(grind or Puree) any fruit that has seeds in it
I'm now in the process (like today) of pressing muscadines. Unless you've got a press that can actually crush a muscadine seed you have nothing to worry about. I use a 12 ton press (bottle jack) for pressing the grapes and have never crushed a seed. If you use a juicer that grinds the fruit then you could have a legitimate concern and I'd recommend against it. If using a press, the grapes should have been frozen and then thawed before getting started.
Six pounds per gallon is standard. For a 5gal batch, 30#'s is required. Plus,
1/4 tsp pectic enzyme (liquid)
5 tsp yeast nutrient
1/4 tsp K-meta
2 gals. water
8#'s sugar, target SG 1.085-1.090
Do not add acid!
Yeast, montrachet or RC 212 Reserve 1/2gal juice for back sweetening
Let set on skins (for at least) 24hrs before pitching yeast. When S.G. reaches 1.010 transfer to secondary and then follow normal wine making procedures.
There is a chemical in most seeds that can be harmful to humans. I can’t think of the name of it right now and I tried doing a Google search for it but it comes up with to much other stuff. From what I was taught in cooking school (it’s been a long time) is it takes a lot of seeds to make someone sick, but once the seeds are broken open it only takes a hand full to make the food spoil faster.