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Senior Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Is there a "prefered" time to add MLF culture?

I have read that you should add to the secondary after fermentation is complete (with the fine lees) and after you add k-meta.

Another way i've read is after you transfer out of the secondary.
You can not do MLF after adding k-meta and it should be done after fermentation is finished.
I agree that the prefered time to do mlf is after the yeast take your wine to completely dry.Mlf bacteria can be antagonistic to yeast( they do like to feed on yeast hulls) so for me I like to wait for sg.'s to go below 1.000 before thinking about adding an mlf dose to the wine.Since mlf bacteria is a bit more fussy about it's environment keep the temps. well within the range suggested be the maker of the strain you get too.
Opps !
I meant to say BEFORE you add k-meta.
So Racer you leave the secondary lees in when adding MLF?
Yes, I usually leave the secondary lees in so the mlf bacteria have something to help them make it thru to completion. I also like to stir things up everyother day during active mlf too.

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