Is it just me??

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Yes you are too old… but I can’t help but think the same thing on occasion. I try to live by “you be you” and “if it doesn’t hurt me I don’t care”.

Rest assured that in your youth the adults rolled their eyes at your choices and we’re certain you wouldn't amount to a damn thing! It has always been so.
Yeah, every generation does something "unusual" but it boggles my mind that they look in the mirror at nose rings and a collection of piercings and think "Wow, I look hot!"

And seriously, what's wrong with bell bottoms? 😄
Every half generation feels the need to do something different from their parents.

The part I find funny is that the effort to be individuals typically produces just another group. When I was in high school the "outs" wore tattered jeans, white t shirts, flannel shirts over it, with work boot. The athletes wore letter jackets and sports paraphernalia. Etc. It was easy to tell who was in which group. There were no individuals, just groups.

That said, I admit that some of today's efforts to be individuals makes me scratch my head ...
I actually like a lot of the tattoos. Most of them at least. When I was younger tattoos were for sailors and biker gangs. Now that I’m older the canvas ain’t so hot 😂
A while back I read the fastest growing segment of the plastic surgery industry is tattoo removal ...

Tattoo studios should probably require a breathalizer before doing a tattoo! 🤣
A while back I read the fastest growing segment of the plastic surgery industry is tattoo removal ...

Tattoo studios should probably require a breathalizer before doing a tattoo! 🤣
There’s definitely a lot of I’ll-considered and I’ll-placed tattoos out there. But also a lot that are truly works of art.
There’s definitely a lot of I’ll-considered and I’ll-placed tattoos out there. But also a lot that are truly works of art.
I have to admit that once I considered getting a tattoo. I was in the Army stationed at Ft. Sill, OK near Lawton. There was a tattoo artist in the town who did a masterful job of tattooing a "lipstick print" and some guys got this on the butts. My rationale was that it would only be seen by intimates and guys in the locker room so where would be the harm? Fortunately, the beer wore off before I walked into the tattoo parlor.
I have eight tattoos. All mean something to me. I have two cats, a Celtic ying yang, Celtic cross and tri-ring, a wizard, a St. Louis Blues one and the one I am most proud of a Me Masonic Square and Compass. Tattoos are very personal to each individual and represent what the person intend for them to mean. It's almost time for a few new ones for me.
I am going to state this: I grew up in the late 50's and 60's, which morphed into the psychedelic 70's and big hair 80's. We were "weird" to our parents. But unlike today, we had the best music, the coolest clothes, muscle cars, and great drugs.
But today, our music is found in elevators, our drugs keep us alive, and our hair is growing out of our ears and noses! But many of us still ROCK!!!

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