How cold WAS it?

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Old Philosopher

Oct 22, 2009
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This thread is dedicated to the late Johnny Carson, and his infamous monologues. But it's inspired by Troy and those of us who think that +25 F temperatures are T-shirt weather! :)

But no jokes, okay? Cold is not a laughing matter, when your sewer line freezes. :<

One time on a hunting trip, dinner was served with those old enameled plates and cups. The beans were bubbling, and the coffee was boiling. We dished up a plate of beans, and poured the coffee. Took a sip of barely warm coffee. Got to the beans, and they were cold. Went back to the coffee, and as I tipped up the cup, a sheet of ice formed on the metal cup as I drank. Back to the beans, and they were frozen so stiff, I couldn't get a spoon in them.
Some water was in a pot near the fire. We ladled out a cup of it and threw it up in the air. It came down snow. I crawled into my 6 pound eider down sleeping bag and prayed for morning.
One time it was so cold I tried to take a leak and I pissed out yellow ice, and had some serious shrinkage
I HAVE NEVER laughed at the cold!, and I have never talked about pissing in front of a lady, unless she was peeing too! And I would have have given her the thawed can of beans from underneath my parka!

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