Floor Corker

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Ok the new Corker arrived. It's the benchtop version of the Ferrari Italian Floor Corker. As best I can tell the only difference is that this is made to be mounted on a bench (Has 3 holes in the base for bolts. That takes some bench space ( About 10" by 15" tops) but it then allows a very stable operation. The base part is different of course lacking the 'floating/locking bottle support and instead you have a second handle on the left side that you use to raise the mechanism to put the bottle in place. I see that as good but maybe a tad more work.

Tried out a couple of empties 'recorking' using old corks. Just had to adjust the depth of the cork. And as far as I can tell - after watching videos of the floor model everything on the top is identical.

To cork you just use the handle on the left side to raise the top, slide bottle in and let it down on top of the bottle. Drop in the cork. Pull the top lever handle and done. Corked bottle can be pulled out without raising the mechanism since they are now sealed. All seemed a little stiff but that is a lot of compression on that cork going on. I was shocked to see how much it compresses them before insertion. WOW! Way different than my old little two piece plastic hand corker. This could make bottling time fun.

At $89.97 This costs about $30.00 - $40.00 less than the Ferrari floor model Brass jaws etc. More than I wanted to spend, but it's only about $30.00 more than the ones with the plastic jaws.

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After corking your first batch of 30 or bottles you'll ask yourself why you didn't spend your money on that in the first place. Nice new tool and should last as long or longer than you make wine.


Ah that first corker - Think it came with my order of corks or something like that. Got me started(hooked) and now... Got a batch of Blueberry needing to be corked this week so that will get me started.

I'm getting ready to mount it on a worktop soon and I'm going to use ovesized rubber washers to keep from scratching the paint on the base. (Yeah, I know, OCD)