Expiry dates?

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Aug 15, 2009
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I have a wine kit that expired on March 5/09, is this still okay to make?

Thanks in advance!
Don't do it !!!!!! OH MY GOD YOU WILL DIE !!!!!

That was the fun part, now seriously.

Would you eat something that had such an expiring date.
Well I certainly would if it looked, smelled and tasted OK.

An expiring date does not mean that the goods are spoiled immediately after that day. They are just guidelines. And a manufacturer can not guarantee that the goods will be OK after that day. So they likely are but no guarantee.

So back to the kit.
Why not give it a try. You have nothing to loose.

Hello MarkzGurl and welcome to the forum..

heheheh.. if it's only a couple of months over, give it a go.. as Luc says, you have nothing to lose.

Will this be your first wine kit?

kind of like sour cream...its usually good to eat long past the expiry date. If there's green on top, just skim off a centimetre on top.
Ive seen people make these almost 2 years past their dat and make a good wine. Only thing is that if it was as old as the 1 Im talking about the yeast should be replaced but yours should be fine.
Hello MarkzGurl and welcome to the forum..

heheheh.. if it's only a couple of months over give it a go.. as Luc says, you have nothing to lose.

Will this be your first wine kit?


Like wade said replace the yeast. When you open the bag give it a taste. If its good "do it"!
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I have a wine kit that expired on March 5/09, is this still okay to make?

Thanks in advance!

Since very few wine kit companies print an expiry date on the box, please inform us the EXACT brand and variety, and the date code that you found.

Alss, please provide the date code on the yeast package.

It will still be OK to make, but the must may be oxidized, and may not taste good. With the above info, I will be able to say what I would do.

Thank you, Steve
I agree with Steve. Most kits have the manufacture date on them with a best use date of one year. I made a Wine Expert Port kit that was over a year "expired" and it came out fine. The kits don't actually "expire" that is just a "Best By" date. It will not harm you in any way. I agree to replace the yeast.

On a side note I used a vial of White Labs liquid yeast on a beer a while back that I found in the back of the fridge that was 2 years expired. I saw it still had some activity in it so I made a starter and built it up and it worked just fine.