Dry air lock?

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Senior Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Hi guys, im going to be getting another better bottle. This would be for my next wine making kit with skins, that from what im reading, you can let that one age for a year or more. My question is, would an dry air trap be ok to use, or is that something you buy when you have nothing else to do with your money. Your looking at around $25.00 for the 2 pieces compaired to just a few for the stopper and plastic air lock. Thanks for all the help, John
the better bottle website has quite alot of technical and other info on their products. for bulk aging i like the concept of the dry airtrap they sell to go with their better bottles. however, i have not moved away from the $1 water-filled airlocks as yet. perhaps someday.
Here the better bottle website, in case you don't have it.


Another option John, is to use a "blow by" tube. Instead of an airlock, run a tube from a stopper into a jug of sulfited water. It doesn't matter what the jug is made of, even a milk jug would suffice, and it wil take a while for that to evaporate and would eliminate the need to make sure an airlock is filled.

Why spend $25 on an airlock when the 3 piece wet ones cost $1.25? I could spend the extra on a new carboy! Plus I like to watch the bubbles......at times I even sniff them! LoL! I admit it I am a lock sniffer!!:ib
Oh yeah and don't use water in you locks....use vodka or everclear.....nothing grows in that stuff and if there is a major temperature shift and the liquid gets sucked into the must you just boosted your AbV a bit......and both of these are flavorless!!
All good ideas guys. Your right, on the primary I would still use the $1.25 airlock because that when all the bubbles are coming up, and it is fun to watch. But on the secondary when nothing is happening the dry will be ok. It has to, I already ordered it,lol