Driver with Tesla on Autopilot charged with vehicular manslaughter

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2012
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A man whose Tesla was said to be on Autopilot when it allegedly crashed into a car and killed two people has been charged with vehicular manslaughter.

Kevin George Aziz Riad, 27, is likely the first motorist to be accused of a felony in the United States after a fatal accident while using a partially automated driving system.
I've read that the driver of these "self driving" vehicle must be ready to react if anything goes wrong.

If I have to play strict attention and be ready to react .... why do I need the autopilot? It's a lot safer if I simply drive myself, as I'm already paying attention and holding the wheel, so if something happens I'm in a much better position to react.
I've read that the driver of these "self driving" vehicle must be ready to react if anything goes wrong.

If I have to play strict attention and be ready to react .... why do I need the autopilot? It's a lot safer if I simply drive myself, as I'm already paying attention and holding the wheel, so if something happens I'm in a much better position to react.

Google images > Sleeping Tesla driver :D LOTS of pix!
It's funny how some people don't want to push buttons and turn the wheel anymore, soon we're going to morph into biological blobs just plugged into the internet.
Yep - sit all day; get your nourishment form a few veggie capsules and die at 36. What a great existence to look forward to!!
It's funny how some people don't want to push buttons and turn the wheel anymore, soon we're going to morph into biological blobs just plugged into the internet.
I have neighbors in their 30's who I rarely see. They're never in the yard - landscape services take care of that - they don't mow, don't snowblow, don't plant anything, etc.; I've never seen them bringing in groceries, but I do see a lot of "fresh food" deliveries and take out deliveries. UPS and FedEx is at their house daily - they get more packages in a month than I've gotten in my life! They all have young kids in the 2-8 age range, but I rarely see them outside too.
I have neighbors in their 30's who I rarely see. They're never in the yard - landscape services take care of that - they don't mow, don't snowblow, don't plant anything, etc.; I've never seen them bringing in groceries, but I do see a lot of "fresh food" deliveries and take out deliveries. UPS and FedEx is at their house daily - they get more packages in a month than I've gotten in my life! They all have young kids in the 2-8 age range, but I rarely see them outside too.

LOL, I seriously felt society had crossed the line when I first saw an iPhone commercial in which two 30-somethings were sitting on a bench in Central Park, surrounded by nature, but their attention was riveted to the screen. Then too, here when a new house is built, they put it on a postage stamp yard with as little grass, trees and landscaping as possible. Cuz outdoors, you know – Eeeew! 😄
Googling "Tesla driver asleep" can be very enlightening. 😂



I mean, if an aircraft on autopilot crashes, whom do they blame? And people don't think the same scenario applies to cars?
Besides, while cruising, airplanes have a LOT less things they can hit and be hit by.

I read an article last year how a self-driving car was fooled because someone painted new white lines on the road. I can think of construction sites where *I* am confused by the mess -- how is a machine that can be fooled by a painted line going to handle it?
Prolly saying the same thing I am saying today: "This is gonna make a whole lot of money for ambulance-chasing lawyers!!!" Why, oh why, didn't I go to law school???

Because you have enough sense to realize most lawyers ain't rich. and enough conscience not to be an ambulance chaser (or maybe it's enough self-esteem)