Cranberry/Lime Dragon Blood - a pH question

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May 13, 2017
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I have been making DB for a little while now; 2 triple-berry, 4 four-berry, 1 peach, 1 cranberry lime.
The 3-gallon batch of cranberry/lime is superb! So, I decided to do a 6-gallon batch. Same recipe, just scaled.
During the first batch, I experienced a stalled fermentation at Day 6. So, I added more yeast nutrient and yeast energizer; next day another sachet of EC 1118, rehydrated (same as first inoculation). It took 4 weeks to go from a starting SG of 1.092 to a final SG of 0.996 (not quite to all the way dry). But, again, it is simply delicious!
This batch started out super foamy (not a-typical of EC 1118) but stalled again at Day 6. So, I went through the same process as before - yesterday added another doses of yeast nutrient and energizer, today a sachet of rehydrated EC 1118.
Given I am working with cranberry (with added lime - 15 oz RealLime for this 6-gallon batch) I am thinking this could be a pH issue. So I ordered a pH tester - Hanna Instruments HI98103 Checker pH Tester. Looks like I was right - I have a pH of 2.7. It is my understanding that pH targets are in the rage of Red wine: pH 3.4–3.7 & White wine: pH 3.2–3.5. So, it seems I am quite low at 2.7. I don't mind, because the flavor of the first batch is really, really nice. My question is whether or not the yeast can tolerate such a low pH (I got away with it the first time). Also, if I make a pH correction do you suppose this will impact the final flavor of the batch?
I am open to any and all counsel. Thanks in advance! Mark

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