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St Allie

Tech Administrator
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
My 14yo came home from school with a black eye, split cheek and inner lip.

I want to go kick the living daylights out of the kid that did it. He had a chain on his fist.

My boys reckon if I do.. the 14yo will never live it down...

Sometimes being a mother isn't fun.

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Allie, why and what for? I would like to tell you my true opinion but I am sure i would be banned. If your kid didn't have it coming, someones gonna get there *** kicked, if your kid DID have it coming, he should learn how to NOT get his *** kicked. I hate so much to hear about this kinda ****, i was never a teenager, was in college at 16, but I guarantee you we never heard about this kinda stuff. Buy him some fista chains of his own and lets see what happens. I got my money on Allies kid.:D
Some guy offered his hand to be shaken, my son didn't know him, so didn't shake his hand. There was no real issue. ( you don't shake gang members hands.. especially recruiters at that age.)

It went into an aggressive moment from there.

...thing is, my second son ( 14yo) is a pacifist.

it's the older son ( 16yo) that you don't want to cross.

And my eldest son is working hard to qualify for the army. I don't want him to get involved and ruin his chances, of course he wants to protect his younger brother..

been a long day..

night people

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Allie I know how you feel, there is so much bullying gong on in the schools and it seems like nothing is being done about it. You can understand kids wanting to take weapons to protect themselves and how that makes the cycle worse.
Motherly instinct sees you wanting to go and remove parts of the other kids anatomy but you have to be restrained as it doesnt just reflect on your son, it reflects on you too.

My youngest daughter came home really upset recently when a girls mother verbally attacked her in front of a group of kids for a situation that hadnt happened, just some kid stirring the pot and things got out of hand. When the truth finally surfaced, the girl apologised but the mother didnt. You can imagine my thoughts on this woman and my wanting to go slam her thick head into a brick wall, but I had to draw the line. Thing is, I wont forget and the way things are in this town, one day she will be needing something from me or one of my contempoarires and I assure you she wont be getting anything.

I wish I could offer a solution but all I can think of is to get your son to learn some form of martial arts, even pacifists do such things, he might even end up enjoying it. Its amazing what it does to your self esteem and of course helps you in such situations. I learnt it after my violent previous marriage broke up and ended up teaching for years and it has helped me a lot. No one can mess with me now!
Yes I am keeping quiet Coll. He went off to school ok this morning.. Let's hope it's over and done with, at least boys have a bit of fisticuffs and then it's done and dusted..

girls can keep guerilla warfare going for years...

could be worse ...


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