coloma frozen Concentrates.

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Senior Member
Aug 26, 2020
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I just got an email from Eddie at He just sent me an email that I though I would share.

"I just wanted to let you know that we are picking up 8 different varieties of California grape concentrate next week. There will be 4 red and 4 whites. It has taken a while to locate the best product and get our end put together. You will be getting an email announcing this in about 3 weeks. Our conversation was one of the reasons I was adding these items. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to reach out to me. "
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i had looked at a white grape on there last night, but now i think I'll wait,
Dawg Likes his wine HOT (High ABV) and Sweet. Also known as a dessert wine. Certain fruits I like that way too Black Currant, Tart Cherry. And I'm aging some Blackberry.
ow,, all three of them after aging are great picks IMHO,,,,,