chlorinated water

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Oct 2, 2009
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i have just finished bottling my peach wine and basically everything seems to be about right. it was my first batch and i may have made some mistakes. first of all, i used "city" water which i assume has chlorine in it. also, since i didn't have a chesecloth etc. to put the pulp in, i used an old cleaned t shirt which i also had sitting in the "must" for the first five days. the s.g. got down to .990 and wine tastes normal so am hoping i got lucky and everything is ok??
letting chlorinated water set 24 hours does the trick, at least according to the Fish store. If you got down to 99 and it taste good you got it, What more could you want. Got to paint store and buy some paint filter screens, they dont cost much and work great. I put them id washer when done and reuse the again and again
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Chlorine dissipates out of your tap water over a couple of hours.. I don't think it's a cause for concern. Generally cheescloth ( or chux cloths) I use, are soaked in the sanitiser for 10 mins upwards and wrung out before using.. it sounds like your wine is fine.

Chlorine will gas out. Chloramine will not. 1 campden tablet will treat 20 gallons of water and remove the chloramines.

I've done this with no ill effects, at least with my beer.
Chlorine dissipates out of your tap water over a couple of hours.. I don't think it's a cause for concern. Generally cheescloth ( or chux cloths) I use, are soaked in the sanitiser for 10 mins upwards and wrung out before using.. it sounds like your wine is fine.


Well the chlorine gets the gas out and it dissipates out of the tap water in 2-3 hours.Keeping chlorinated water for 24 hours does make the difference.
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Mike is right. Go to the paint store and get some paint straining bags, they are cheap and indeed can be reused. Nylon stockings work as well, and alot of the group uses them. Gotta sanitize either of these of course, and when it comes to the stockings, make sure they match you eye color.LOL
most cities use chloramine, not chlorine (because it doesn't gas out of the water and thus is more economical to use chloramine).

a quarter campden tablet per 5 gallons is a good piece of insurance if you ask me.
I picked up a cheap (45$ CAD) in-line water filtration system for our drinking/wine making water :) Rainfresh 2 system. Takes all the Chlorine/chloramine plus any sediment out of the water. We can actually drink our water straight now lol.