Carboy/bung question

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Still waiting.........
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Sep 12, 2018
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I feel that my bungs are pretty tight and airlocks filled at all times. My pattern is to fill the carboy to the bulge in the neck which is about an inch from the top. I have noticed that within two weeks or so, the wine level drops about an inch. I can't imagine that the wine is evaporating. some have oak cubes but not all. What's going on? Could it be ambient temperature?
I feel that my bungs are pretty tight and airlocks filled at all times. My pattern is to fill the carboy to the bulge in the neck which is about an inch from the top. I have noticed that within two weeks or so, the wine level drops about an inch. I can't imagine that the wine is evaporating. some have oak cubes but not all. What's going on? Could it be ambient temperature?
That’s just the winemaking gods being jagoffs like usual.

And also you are correct. The ambient temperature/pressure will fluctuate the wine level. As far as I know that’s pretty much the driving force. It would drive me crazy. I’m either overflowing up into the airlock or seeing a larger than ideal space! Hate it

check this out. Less than 24hr hour difference.
From zero space. Wine touching bung. Then to over 2“ below.
That’s just the winemaking gods being jagoffs like usual.

And also you are correct. The ambient temperature/pressure will fluctuate the wine level. As far as I know that’s pretty much the driving force. It would drive me crazy. I’m either overflowing up into the airlock or seeing a larger than ideal space! Hate it

check this out. Less than 24hr hour difference.
From zero space. Wine touching bung. Then to over 2“ below.
View attachment 93768View attachment 93766
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since you suspected ambient temperature I’m guessing there has been a decrease in temperature?
Several things come to mind to explain this phenomenon. A decrease in ambient temperature, or outgassing, or absorption of wine into the oak cubes. Or a combination of two or more.
Everything expands/contracts as temperatures rise/fall and liquids generally have a higher coefficient of expansion than solids so the wine may be (probably is) contracting more than the Carboy.
Your observation seems to be fast. Going from winter basement 60-64F with an inch of head space (actually was OK in June) into summer basement/ 68-69F I can push the wine into the airlock.
Any idea what temperatures you had? Your primary fermentation is exothermic, and when active after exponential growth phase I have seen the wine two degrees above air temperature.
The physics of volume is controlled by the temperature difference (delta T) of the two states, in your case when the carboy was filled/ capped. , , , , just thinking you should have sucked an S airlock dry, wonder how tight silicone burpers are/ what the inside pressure is.
The physics of volume is controlled by the temperature difference (delta T) of the two states, in your case when the carboy was filled/ capped. , , , , just thinking you should have sucked an S airlock dry, wonder how tight silicone burpers are/ what the inside pressure is.

IME, an S airlock lets bubbles pass in both directions.
Yes. If there is too much fluid it will draw it into the carboy. I keep an eye on the levels so that won’t happen.
I picked up a trick from a beer brewer. I use Vodka instead of water in them in case something does suck in.

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