Can I ferment a 6g WE kit in a 6g carboy?

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Dec 9, 2013
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Just like the title says. I have a wine bucket but I just noticed it has a lot of scratches on the bottom. I would hate to get an infection and ruin a 100$ kit. I realize this wouldn't be ideal. What if I used a blow off tube instead of an airlock in case the fermentation gets too high?
No you really can't, but if you have 2 carboys you could split the batch.
It will bubble over in a 6 gallon carboy.
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Just filled it to 6g with water. Still some descent headspace in there. Even with that and a sanitized blow off tube it wouldn't work?
I'd clean the bucket good , pour boiling water in it and use it scratches and all. Infection is rare in wines, Really rare with kits
I agree with Mike that you do not have enough head space in the carboy (which appears to be a 6.5 gallon). When fermentation begins, the production of CO2 is vigorous and the exit, i.e. the opening in the carboy is relatively small. Gas will build up faster in the space than it would in an open container and you will likely have the dreaded "volcano" in no time.
You could always use an additional 1 gallon carboy and put 5 1/4 in the 6 gallon and 3/4 in the 1 gallon. You might want to use blow off tubes, just in case.

After the first week or so, combine the two carboys.

do you know if it's a food grade bucket? If the answer is yes then sanitize and ferment in it, should be know problem.:db if not you should split the load and rejoin right as fermentation has almost come to a halt.:dbdo you use any inert gas?
If you want to ferment in the carboy:

Reconstitute to the 6 gallon amount.
Remove one gallon, and store in fridge.
Pitch the yeast.
Around day 5, when the fermentation has slowed down significantly, pout the reserved one gallon in to the carboy.
Let that ferment down to the target SG, and continue with the kit instructions.
I say, use the bucket. a couple of mine have scratches as well. I just give them a good cleaning with oxyclean then a good K-metta bath

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