If you de-gas before adding the K-Meta more gas will be created by the K-meta. Different type of gas though. So that's one option. The K-meta gas presence is a good thing and will dissipate on its own - you shouldn't have de-gas to get rid of it.
IF you add the K-Meta as soon as you rack, then you should probably let it alone for a month. Whipping it immediately could give you a bit more gas than you want at that time. By itself K-meta will raise my airlock bubblers a couple of times meaning it's creating a bit of excess gas on it's own. You really don't want to create a foam fountain.
?? How soon do you plan on bottling ?? Unless you are in a hurry to bottle (Following Kit instructions) I'd let it de-gas on it's own for a month or two. If you age it for 6 or more months you may not need to de-gas at all.
By the way if you haven't seen tips about kits on here - the majority opinion is to ignore the bottling time instructions - WAIT WAIT WAIT! Give that kit at least 6 months.