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  1. 7

    Mixed Berry Wine

    Are you insinuating that I am a liar? I was told this was a friendly helpful forum. And so far it has been. Or are you just 'that guy' that you find in every group? In my first post I said I dissolved the sugar in 2 qts of boiling water. That's it. Period. I also didn't mention that I...
  2. 7

    Mixed Berry Wine

    20 hours after pitching and the must is bubbling away happily. I didn't get a pH reading. Never bothered with it before but this IS my first time using frozen fruit. The recipe I followed called for 25 lbs mixed berries and 8 lbs sugar + water to make 5 gallons. I added the frozen banana...
  3. 7

    Mixed Berry Wine

    Starting gravity read 1.095. ALL the fruit was frozen solid when added and yes, I did mash it down after it sat. Remember...I poured 1/2 gallon of boiling water over it. I forgot to mention in my first post that I did add another ~gallon to get under 1.100 before adding yeast. I'm optimistic.
  4. 7

    Mixed Berry Wine

    1.095 It's the highest I have ever personally seen. I hope the yeast can power through it all. Even if it cant, my last three batches of wine were a little on the dry side so a sweet batch is welcome. It has worked out to just under 5 gallons of must in a 6 gallon bucket. I sampled a glass...
  5. 7

    Mixed Berry Wine

    12 lbs strawberry 4 lbs mangos 3 lbs blueberries 3 lbs raspberrys 3 lbs blacberries 1 lbs cherries (deseeded) 4 large bananas All weight is of clean frozen fruit. I dissolved 8 lbs sugar in 2 qt of boiling water and added to frozen fruit. I let it sit for 12 hours then added 5 tabs of K-meta...
  6. 7

    Sanitizing Bottles What do you use (Poll)

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who uses Oxyclean. In my dirty carboys especially.
  7. 7

    Added fruit flavour bag too early!!!

    I'm not really after fermentation with the cherries...I'm after a better tasting wine. This pineapple wine is very bland. I also have a lb bag of dried plums. Ill try a small bit of each.
  8. 7

    Added fruit flavour bag too early!!!

    I have 5 gallons of stabilized pineapple wine and 3 lbs of cherries that are still soft, but dried. I will take your advice and re-hydrate them and test a small quantity for sweetness. I just wasn't sure it would change the taste ( which I do not like right now) Thank you so much for the...
  9. 7

    Added fruit flavour bag too early!!!

    This thread has gotten me thinking...I have some bland pineapple wine that has been sitting in the carboy aging for the last month or so and a 3 lb bag of dry cherries. Can anyone think of a good reason to NOT add the cherries for a month or so before I bottle the wine?
  10. 7

    Can you make wine with minute maid frozen grape punch?

    I have made 5 gallons from 100% apple juice and I can attest, it is not bad even though it needs a year or two to be decent. I was so pleased with the results that I made 5 gallons of grape and 5 gallons of pineapple done the same way. I am not a drinker ... just preparing for the Apocalypse.☄
  11. 7

    Looks like I wasted a small fortune on winemaking gear!

    I have let some of my tomatoes get drippy ripe on the vine before and they fermented a bit, so yah...there is always that.
  12. 7

    mega foam

    No airlock. I used pineapple juice though, so I assumed I would just ferment in the carboy and they rack into another carboy. I have not used an airlock, just the open top. I had a cloth over it but the cloth became soaking wet and I removed it. Was worried about bacteria. Its funny...
  13. 7

    mega foam

    I have a 5 gallon batch of Pineapple wine going. I followed a recipe form EC Kraus. About a day after I added the yeast, my must started to foam BADLY. I know you are supposed to expect some foaming, but it has been foaming out of the carboy for 2 days straight now. I have lost about a...
  14. 7

    Advice for Pineapple wine

    For my third batch of wine I would like to try pineapple wine. Does anyone have any experience with this? I know its acidic but it also contains Bromelaine. I am going to use 100% pineapple juice from concentrate (no additives) Do I need to use any other additives to counteract the acidity...
  15. 7

    Clearing wine

    This instant method takes 3 weeks.
  16. 7

    corking question

    I bought a Portuguese hand corker and I used #8. Be sure to adjust the depth before corking as a couple of mine went too far down in the bottle. There is an adjustable screw on top to adjust depth.
  17. 7

    Grapes by mail

    I just use Welch's 100% grape juice. 8 half gallons plus 3 cans of concentrate, added 5lbs sugar for an SG of 1.160. I made some apple wine from concentrate and it tastes superb.
  18. 7

    Dark or light

    I have to keep my carboy in my bedroom. It is not real bright in there but there is 10 hours of mild light. Does fermenting wine NEED to be in the dark? I can stick a sweater or hoody over it if I need to, although I'm afraid the temp will get too high. Got a batch of grape that was pitched...
  19. 7

    Jumped Right In

    I'm just a bit west of you, McKean County. Apple and grape is what use. I usually make 5 gallons of each. And I dont even drink much. Mostly for my kids (all adults)