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  1. C

    Finer Wine Kit red wine kit taste

    Thanks for the information Bryan. I was planning on the forte line anyway. I normally did the LE kits previously and I found the white wine kits to really come out great but red wine kits simply had a bit of that odd taste and were not very good. I'm mostly looking to product a 10-15 dollar...
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    Finer Wine Kit red wine kit taste

    It has been some time since I've made wine as we moved and other things. I'd like to get back into wine making and a lot has changed. I will admit I've been underwhelmed by red wine kits in the past. Mostly I've always had a bit of an off taste to them, chemically is how myself and others...
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    Winexpert Vinyard Moscato Wine Kit

    If you love a store bought Moscato wine you'll love this kit. It is on the sweeter side like most Moscato wines but it is delicious. A very good summer sipping wine. I honestly didn't keep it cool during fermentation and it still came out great.
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    Winexpert LE19

    The whites aren't as impressive to me this time around but that's personal taste. I love all of the reds though.
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    Winexpert Eclipse Three Moons

    I woupdnt go too overboard as they put in a lot of work in the expensive kits for them to turn out well. Not saying dont change things but I'd recommend starting with simple changes like the yeast or tweak the oak but the rest of the instructions I'd follow to the letter.
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    Winexpert Eclipse Three Moons

    Wish I wasn't moving right now as I'd pick one up.
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    Very small backyard vineyard recommendations

    I've read the hybrids are much easier to manage but I've read they dont have the tannins of the more traditional varieties. Thanks for the information though.
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    Very small backyard vineyard recommendations

    I'm not looking to start a winery. We finally close on our new house the 30th. It has a steep incline that I intend to use for a small vineyard. I'm hoping maybe 20 vines at most using a 6 foot spacing. I'm wanting something to give me some tannin and heft for wine kits. This is near salem...
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    Wine grape suppliers near Roanoke virginia

    In the moving process now so I thought I'd plan for the fall.
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    Winexpert LE18 thoughts?

    I wanted to but we are moving this year so I didn't get one.
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    Winexpert LE18 thoughts?

    Just put my Corozon in the primary. The only change I made was a different yeast as mine came with 1118. I used rc212 instead as I had some remaining.
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    Winexpert LE18 thoughts?

    I'm sticking with the instructions personally.
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    Now what?

    Same here.
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    George Cornelius at Finevinewines

    I'm on their email list and received an email he passed away. I didn't know him but I received several recommendations from him over the last few years I've been in the hobby. I thought I'd share as I know many on here purchase from them as well.
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    Recommend a good syrah

    I'll give it a look. The juice buckets from last year were not close on TA and pH. They came out fine but next year I'm looking for a higher quality. I figured a kit might do fine.
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    Recommend a good syrah

    I prefer a good cali or washington kit I've not found any Australian shiraz that I've liked as much as the more traditional syrah.
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    Question about adjusting pH

    Our cheap titration ta kit gave us between 4-5 g/l our best guess is about 4.5. We've performed half of what we feel the dosage should be and the taste has improved greatly. How long would everyone advise waiting to test and taste before the next dose?
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    Question about adjusting pH

    Thanks everyone for the help. I hope to have our first test by Wednesday when everything has arrived meaning the tartaric acid.
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    Question about adjusting pH

    Also correct it isn't bottled yet in a carboy. Thanks everyone. It sounds as though it may not wind up a top shelf but could still be a good drinkable wine we'll move forward. We ordered some tartaric acid today as we don't have enough to treat the wine fully.
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    Question about adjusting pH

    No spoilage at this stage. It has good flavor it was just flat. What causes the cloud and will anything be needed to clear the cloudyness?