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  1. WildernessMedic

    Is Fast Ferment out of business?

    Yeah for the price I shouldn't have had to spend hours carefully remove the plastic sprue and trying to fix the threads. I think I'm just going to send this thing back. I got the 14 gallon one and the last thing I want is to find 14 gallons of hard sticky work all over my floors one morning...
  2. WildernessMedic

    Is Fast Ferment out of business?

    Stopped using it all together? Is it not as convenient as it seems, or you just got tired of having to keep taping it up? I bought some more tape. Idk what else to even try. How did this thing win an award... It sounds like everyone hates it.
  3. WildernessMedic

    Is Fast Ferment out of business?

    I finally bought their big conical fermenter and it wasn't cheap. I followed the directions breaking in the threads and wrapping but it still leaks. Every day for two weeks I added a couple more wraps of tape and did another leak test until it got too much tape to even screw on. Took it off and...
  4. WildernessMedic

    Degassing in carboy with whip

    Oh patience isn’t a problem. I didn’t even want to be bothered to degass it for 30 minutes haha. Just want to make sure I’m doing it right. Thanks.
  5. WildernessMedic

    Degassing in carboy with whip

    Oops replied before seeing new replies. Sounds like I should stop messing with it. It’s been finished with fermentation and bulk aging for two months now with no airlock activity. I don’t plan on bottling for at least another four months so I should probably just leave it alone and wait?
  6. WildernessMedic

    Degassing in carboy with whip

    Two months isn’t long enough for me to start degassing….? No, when I stir midway down, stop and wait, no bubbles ever come up. When I stir near the top it foams up very quick Does this just mean I’m introducing air and it’s properly degassed?
  7. WildernessMedic

    Degassing in carboy with whip

    It’s two months old and completely done with fermentation. It tasted gassy. Interesting you say it’s at the top. My whip has a stopper on it and it seems like more gas is coming up than I could be introducing from the headspace. But when I stir it a few inches lower no bubbles come up. I’d...
  8. WildernessMedic

    Degassing in carboy with whip

    I imagine so which is why I stopped. Hope I didn’t just aerate 40 pounds of hand picked elderberry wine…
  9. WildernessMedic

    Degassing in carboy with whip

    Hi. Confused on the correct way to do this. In one video a guy said it can take up to an hour in a carboy, and another video from northern brewer set 10 to 15 seconds. In the second video he spun it up one time and called it good. If it needs to be degassed will it throw bubbles no matter what...
  10. WildernessMedic

    Skeeter pee extremely slow

    Hmm. Thought this was a tried and true cheap easy beginner recipe. Thanks for the replies. Thankful it's going strong now. Depending on how it tastes might not do it again.
  11. WildernessMedic

    Skeeter pee extremely slow

    Can't remember yeast some Lalvin wine type. You may be right about temp. It was around 68-70 but we just had a warm stretch where I went back up to high 70s and now it's "burping" more than once a second going strong.
  12. WildernessMedic

    When to clear and sorbate?

    No I will be degassing and bottling. I only have two gallons so I'll probably just shake and burp each bottle even though it's an annoying way to do it. After I do what you said should I wait a certain amount of time for running agents to drop more sediment before degassing and bottling?
  13. WildernessMedic

    When to clear and sorbate?

    Got my sparkaloid and sorbate ready. Blackberry wine hasn't moved in like a month. Now at .95. Is that dry enough? Did it get stuck? Now that it hasn't moved do I clear then sorbate or the other way around? How long in between?
  14. WildernessMedic

    Sweet Tea Wine

    Too long to read but after my first cheap old garage sale kit the second thing I did is go get a falling of captain Ds sweet tea and ferment it. If I recall it wasn't bad.
  15. WildernessMedic

    Carboy Blues: what would you do?

    Really? Bleach is all I use for sanitation. Never heard of this or tasted anything Idk if I buy this. Drinking Water can contain a bit of bleach, but if you let it sit uncovered for a bit it disappates and no longer tastes or smells or bleach.
  16. WildernessMedic

    Skeeter pee extremely slow

    Hahaha. This recipe seems cool in theory but sure seems to give a lot of people problems resulting in it going bad.
  17. WildernessMedic

    Skeeter pee extremely slow

    No real problem here just curious if anyone else has had it ferment extremely slow? Everything I read talked about how this recipe went super quick. Well it's been over a week since fermentation began and it's still not quite down to 1.05 SG so I can add the rest of the lemon juice and yeast...
  18. WildernessMedic

    Skeeter Pee

    Must is all ready airing out for 24-48 hours. Got my starter going. Should I add a cup or so of the must to my starter to get it "acclimated" halfway through before pitching? Or just wait then pitch the starter. Had no slurry to use.
  19. WildernessMedic

    Is my must salvageable?

    Yeah those be the ones haha.
  20. WildernessMedic

    Is my must salvageable?

    SG is now at .994. Has some weird flavors in it but one of them is sweetness. What's going on? Now way I'm tasting sugar in something that dry right?