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  1. SteveH

    Winging it with Craisins, help with recipe?

    That's a good idea, I'll do that step also. Thank You : )
  2. SteveH

    Winging it with Craisins, help with recipe?

    Cranberries are no longer at the local stores so on an impulse I bought 3 lbs of craisins (they are sweetened) a 12 oz. box of raisins and two gallons of Ocean Spray White Cran/Peach juice ("no preservatives") to use instead of adding all water, not sure if any of those flavors will carry...
  3. SteveH

    Post your labels here

    These strike me! Nice work...
  4. SteveH

    Post your labels here

    I do like the vinyl material they print on and the labels peel off easily under hot running water also. The quality is pretty decent of images also. It's not super sharp but it is very good.
  5. SteveH

    Post your labels here

    Thanks, I like tinkering with photoshop elements and then upload to crushtag to have them printed. I pull images from the internet and piece them together and add in my pup.
  6. SteveH

    Post your labels here

    I think I enjoy making the labels as much as making the wine and my pup has to make an appearance somewhere on the label.
  7. SteveH

    Apple wine recipe wanted

    I used apple cider from our local orchard to make apple wine. The owner uses no preservatives and does not pasteurize it. I thought it turned out great, although aroma and flavor were light, it was there and one of my favorites. It was also accidentally sparkling which really added to how...
  8. SteveH

    Orange Cream ? Wine from Soda Pop possible?

    Yes! Thank you... Had the thought of Welch's white grape base and adding the flavored syrup! I think I will try that. And flavor to taste. When using syrup after fermentation is complete and moving to bulk aging, do the syrups tend to change with aging? 9-12 months? I suppose one could...
  9. SteveH

    Orange Cream ? Wine from Soda Pop possible?

    I did try the orange cream soda (not diet) Stirred until all co2 was out of it, used red star Cotes des Blancs and couldn't get it to ferment. Added yeast nutrient and energizer, nothing. Then added Lalvin EC-1118 yeast. Still nothing :( Went down the drain. I'll try an orange wine and...
  10. SteveH

    Zork Availability

    Did Zork go out of business? I really really like the ease of using them and honestly don't think they looked all that bad. As mention above, so easy to put in by hand with a good quick hard push. Really going to miss them.
  11. SteveH

    Orange Cream ? Wine from Soda Pop possible?

    Recipe? What did you use to accomplish? I did find orange cream candy sticks and barrels....
  12. SteveH

    Orange Cream ? Wine from Soda Pop possible?

    Crazy question...? I'm looking for a way to make an Orange Cream Soda tasting wine... Not finding anything close. Can one make wine from soda pop? The gal who suggested this flavor is specifically crazy about Stewart's Fountain Classic Orange 'n Cream Diet soda. I know the diet version may...
  13. SteveH

    Rubber stopper affects taste of wine?

    I am really curious about this "rubber smell" I'm a rookie and have some 1 gallon batches that have bulk aged about a year in glass with a stopper and airlock filled with vodka that I want to bottle. I am noticing the smell and taste of the airlock stopper (white/beige rubber). Not a burnt...
  14. SteveH

    Maple Wine, young but good already, ?'s

    I had to taste this when I racked it. It's so young but it was good! It was semi sweet, a bit thick or syrupy, very unique interesting flavor with a light taste of maple. Almost a mellow hard to describe light smokey flavor that finished with the light maple. I want to make a similar six...
  15. SteveH

    Potassium Sorbate Cloudiness :(

    Well, maybe it was how I added it to this years fresh batch. I didn't want to dilute the wine so instead of mixing the k-meta and k-sorbate with water I pulled out some wine and mixed it with that. The sorbate clouded when I mixed it in the cup or so I drew out, and then I poured it in and it...
  16. SteveH

    Potassium Sorbate Cloudiness :(

    Thanks, There were almost no lees whats ever, the potassium sorbate seems to be the source of almost all of the cloudiness.
  17. SteveH

    Potassium Sorbate Cloudiness :(

    I have a 6 gallon batch of Vidal Blanc (fresh local juice) that I'm trying to stop the ferment on to have 2% (ish) RS. I wanted to try this at least once. I added K-meta and K-sorbate and was surprised at how cloudy the k-sorbate made this batch that was almost perfectly clear. Reading other...
  18. SteveH

    Bulk aged a year, ready to back sweeten and bottle

    Most of my wines are bulk aged about a year or close. I'd like to back sweeten and then bottle. If I bulk aged that long do I still need K-meta and K-sorbate before bottling. So some questions . . . 1. Do I still need to add K-meta and K-sorbate after back sweetening on one year bulk aged...