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  1. W

    Hoses clip for All In One vacuum pump

    I bought some PETG filament and printed a tubing holder. Same exact model but it is significantly easier to snap the tubing in and out vs the PLA filament.
  2. W

    Hoses clip for All In One vacuum pump

    What material did he use? I printed in PLA which is pretty stiff. The hoses are snug fit but I have used them several times without any issue. It might be better to increase the diameter a smidge rather than add more material to the side. Also I am using the exact hoses that came with the pump...
  3. W

    Topping Barrels

    To ensure a keg is purged you can fill it full of sanitizer then use whatever your gas is to push it all out. Then siphon/pump in your wine/beer through the out post (via the dip tube). You'll need to work through the various fittings and whatnot but that's the general idea.
  4. W

    Hoses clip for All In One vacuum pump

    I thought I would share a gadget I made with our 3D printer. It's a clip to hold the hoses for the All In One vacuum pump. I've had one for 10(?) years and the weight of the hoses would always cause them to shift as I was bottling. I bottle alone and like to cork in batches so it was difficult...
  5. W

    Latest southern WI vineyard

    I have no idea GDD we were at. This year was not great. The 75 pounds came from a subset of the vines, maybe 50? Many of our 3rd vines were not mature enough to let fruit set. I had to Google bunch stem necrosis. I think we had some of that but not wide spread. The wasps were doing a lot more...
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Time to catch up here! After crushing everything and let them sit for a while, brix for the combined batch ended up at 19 and pH 2.75 :(. Added sugar to get up to 23 brix, adjusted pH to 3.16. Called it good enough for now. Fermentation went fine and we pressed 7 days later. Wine tastes tart...
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    The wasps were feeding heavily so we harvested the petite pearls this afternoon. It was rushed so I haven't taken brix and pH readings yet. Between my neighbor and me we got 72 lbs of petite pearl (from 75 vines) resulting in 8 gallons of crushed must.
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    The petite pearls appear to have stalled from a brix perspective. We had decent weather this week, highs in the upper 70s and still brix is at 18-19. I even had one grape test at 15 Brix. Tasting some the seeds are still super hard and the fruit is more tart than sweet. Good thing this isn't my...
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Marquette harvested. 12 lbs after destemming. 23 brix. Grapes are in the freezer until we harvest the petite pearl.
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Marquette up to 22-23, picking this weekend. Petite pearl up to 19 ish
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Forecasted highs this week are back in the mid 80s. Should help move this process along I think.
  12. W

    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Brix still at 20-21 marquette and 19 - petite pearl. I think my first rounds of readings I grabbed the most ripe ones. Now I'm taking more of cross sample. The waiting is excruciating.
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Permethrin really knocked the Japanese beetles down for us. It appears to have a couple week residual affect as well.
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    About - 40F for at least one night. Plus a cold spring.
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Sunday morning Marquette was at 21, petite pearl 19
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Getting close on the Marquette! Marquette 19-20 brix Petite Pearl 16 brix
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Marquette 18 brix Petite Pearl 15 brix
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    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Yes they are
  19. W

    Latest southern WI vineyard

    Got behind on my updates. Polar vortex was brutal on the Lacresent. ~80% were knocked back to the ground.The Marquette and Petite Pearl faired better. Several couple of each were knocked back to the ground. All but one vine across the board have come back and pushed out new canes. Japanese...
  20. W

    Marquette veraision

    One marquette vine is starting to turn for me in southern WI Petite pearl vines are still super green