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    Public water, chlorine and TCA

    While I make no recommendations regarding the matter since municipal water differs so widely by city and by one's location on their distribution system, I have always used city water in my winemaking with both fruit and kits. I have experienced no problems. If you want to make an informed...
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    Persimmon Wine

    Were I doing a persimmon wine I would definitely steam-juice.I also would not pick any fruit from the tree because under ripe fruit is very astringent.
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    Fruit Wine sediment

    Over the years I have had several wines drop some sediment in the bottles. Usually this sediment becomes somewhat dense with time. Pouring carefully takes care of the problem for me.
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    Wine Dog

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    Where is Waldo

    Don't you just love it when you have to troubleshoot your entire system before they will send a tech to get it working again? Grrrrr! I am planning to drop my land line and use cell phones only.
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    Blackberry Port Recipe Needed

    Thanks a bunch, Waldo. If the berries cooperate, I will be doing that one.
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    Blackberry Port Recipe Needed

    Sorry about repeating the question--must be an age thing. I have no records of a recipe. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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    Blackberry Port Recipe Needed

    Thanks, Joel.
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    Blackberry Port Recipe Needed

    No one has done a successful blackberry port?
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    Blackberry Port Recipe Needed

    Probably 5 gallons, if I can get the berries.
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    Blackberry Port Recipe Needed

    I plan to do a blackberry port with berries I hope to pick this summer. This will be my first attempt at a port.
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    Bing/Black Cherry wine

    I wouldn't trash it. Sometimes wines change dramatically with time.
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    Am I doomed: Fruit Fly

    That was one contented fly! Don't fret, all is well.
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    Cellar Craft International Showcase Barbera

    48 hours in and fermentation is solid. Smell is nice. Not much foam. A bit of scum from floating grape solids.
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    Muscadine Labels

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    Cellar Craft International Showcase Barbera

    Will try, Waldo. Right now, all is quiet on the home front since fermentation hasn't started.
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    Cellar Craft International Showcase Barbera

    I will be pitching the yeast on this one in a few minutes. Does anyone have experience with it? Suggestions?
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    What can I do with Persimmons?

    Make sure they are very ripe otherwise they are very astringent. I wish I had a source!
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    Italian. One of the best investments I have made in wine-making.