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  1. Jim Welch

    A question for the veterans!

    That’s a good idea
  2. Jim Welch

    A question for the veterans!

    I’m not sure how many grape wines you’ve made and I’m no expert but in my experience aging does INCREDIBLE things to grape wine, it can be mind boggling the changes a couple to several years of aging to to them. So if you’ve not aged wines yet then I’d try just plain old cellaring before trying...
  3. Jim Welch

    2024 WineMakerMag Competition results are in.

    Congratulations, it is nice to send wine for tasting to people you don’t know and aren’t afraid to insult you (to illustrate any potential faults) and then be awarded for your efforts.
  4. Jim Welch

    2024 WineMakerMag Competition results are in.

    My notes don’t show either term, I believe it was the first generation of FWK before those iterations evolved so two grape skin packs iirc. I’ve not made a Tavola so definitely not that, if it was either it would’ve been the Forte version.
  5. Jim Welch

    2024 WineMakerMag Competition results are in.

    Pretty much followed directions with these exceptions. Used 0.6 grams Lallzyme EX just after putting in the Packet A, then 8 hours later added 6 grams Opti-Red and included oak chips. Made starter using 10 Oz Welch's Concord Grape juice in addition to the initial hydration water, used 10 grams...
  6. Jim Welch

    2024 WineMakerMag Competition results are in.

    Correction: the Gold was a FWK Sangiovese
  7. Jim Welch

    2024 WineMakerMag Competition results are in.

    I entered 6 wines and was awarded 3 medals, 1 Gold and 2 Bronze. The Gold was an FWK Super Tuscan
  8. Jim Welch

    Carboy as primary fermenter?

    If there's no grapes or fruit solids yes you can with little or no problems. You might have to have a blow off tube for the first day or two but if you keep the temps from getting too high probably not. If you're using fruit it becomes much more problematic but not impossible. I've done beer in...
  9. Jim Welch

    Good news for Anchor Brewing

    You’ve completely lost my point and judging from your comments I don’t think you are understanding what I’m saying. I’ve been in many many contract negotiations. The BEST contract is when BOTH sides think they’ve gotten screwed! I know that’s hard to get one’s mind around but it’s the brutal...
  10. Jim Welch

    Good news for Anchor Brewing

    In 2019 the inflation rate was below 2% and a contract was negotiated that gave a nearly 25% raise over 3 years. Thats about 8% per year! If that was negotiated this year I’d say it was a good and reasonable contract. I’ve negotiated contracts for my local for 30 years and have seen other locals...
  11. Jim Welch

    Good news for Anchor Brewing

    The purpose to protect the health and safety of workers is still and will always be a needed purpose. That’s why I draw a bright bold line between dangerous and non dangerous jobs. Longshore work isn’t the most dangerous job but on average it has a higher on the job death rate than police or...
  12. Jim Welch

    Good news for Anchor Brewing

    The history speaks for itself, pub workers have no business in a Longshoreman’s Union, now the brewery itself? Yes, that’s an industrial environment, and has SOME risk, but a bar? Are you serious? If you read my entire post you’d see I AM a Longshoreman! People in the pub have little or no risk...
  13. Jim Welch

    Good news for Anchor Brewing

    Unfortunately to make this work they may need to move production out of California. I read about this when it happened and knowing what I know and reading between the lines it was the effects of the unionization of the workers that led to the bankruptcy. Then there’s some of the crazy labor laws...
  14. Jim Welch Make your own wine remotely.

    Sounds like something for our younger generations, don’t want to use too broad a brush but the overwhelming majority of people under about 30 don’t want to do anything but use computers and/or smart phones and such. I could see this appealing to the more affluent of them. But I’m a DIY kinda guy...
  15. Jim Welch

    Finer Wine Kit Juice has separated

    If it’s under an air lock I’d let it sit on the skins that long. Not sure if you have the skins, if not it doesn’t matter and you can rack imo.
  16. Jim Welch

    UPS damage issues?

    Generally , my personal experience in both shipping and receiving shipments is that UPS is the BEST I’ve used with FedEx being a distant second. Don’t even ask me my opinion/experiences with USPS or Lasership, they are tied for a very distant last place. Typically for me when a shipper offers...
  17. Jim Welch

    Question regarding go ferm evolution

    I use it but not “with” Fermaid O. It is a yeast rehydration concoction that, according to the maker, helps yeast during rehydration. I believe you’ll find many here use it. It is not necessary per se for hydration but, again according to the maker, especially helps in must over 24 Brix which is...
  18. Jim Welch

    Finer Wine Kit Juice has separated

    It could be sugar that has crystalized too. I’ve not stored any FWKs long enough for that to happen but I buy Coloma Frozen Zinfandel concentrated juice in quart bottles that get stored in the freezer and the sugar crystallizes in them after a month or two. But Bob is right, I’d reach out to LP...
  19. Jim Welch

    Using a Siphonless Big Mouth Bubbler for Secondary Fermentation?

    I concur with others that it’s not ideal to bottle from that. I use ported Better Bottles as a secondary/bright tank. I transfer to them from my Brute buckets at 1.010-1.000 and let fermentation finish in them then transfer again after about a month to glass carboys. Doing this I generally have...
  20. Jim Welch

    New Barrels for Forum Members

    Put me down for a 40L barrel Fred. If the buy goes through I’d prefer to drive down and pick it up rather than have it shipped to me if you’re ok with that. Edit: medium toast if there’s different toast options