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      VintNurse1 replied to the thread MAKING A GSM.
      Your reply is perfectly appropriate and appreciated. And you are perfectly right the yeast IS doing all the work even though it feels...
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      VintNurse1 replied to the thread MAKING A GSM.
      Awesome, thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate it. Sometimes it’s easy to overthink things, I guess it’s best to just...
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      VintNurse1 replied to the thread MAKING A GSM.
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      VintNurse1 replied to the thread MAKING A GSM.
      Thank you that’s what I was thinking I would do. Just wanted to get as much input as possible.
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      VintNurse1 replied to the thread MAKING A GSM.
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      This year I am making a GSM and am wondering if it is best to use yeasts that compliment each varietal or to use the same yeast for each...
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