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      PossumPie replied to the thread Casual winemaker.
      When I was a kid in the 70s I helped my father plant his garden. He would have never considered planting his tomato plants before...
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      PossumPie reacted to Obbnw's post in the thread Casual winemaker with Like Like.
      Similar climate story here. Forecast for tomorrow is 90! Our zone has changed and we have gained 4 weeks in growing season over the...
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      PossumPie replied to the thread Casual winemaker.
      My wife is a Penn State Master Gardener...You would have been right 20 years ago, but global warming has increased the first frost date...
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      PossumPie reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread Low ABV Concord grape with Like Like.
      22 Brix should give an ABV well over 10%. Are you using a hydrometer to measure the SG? Or a refractometer, which will yield erroneous...
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      PossumPie reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread Casual winemaker with Like Like.
      Welcome to WMT! If your lucky enough to live near wood lines, wild blackberries are free and make a decent wine/port, as well as being...
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      PossumPie reacted to sour_grapes's post in the thread Casual winemaker with Like Like.
      Welcome to WMT!
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      PossumPie replied to the thread Casual winemaker.
      I have tons of Blackberries/mulberries on my property, but usually give them as a treat to my chickens who will kill each other fighting...
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      PossumPie replied to the thread Low ABV Concord grape.
      I use a glass hydrometer. I ended up with a half bottle left after bottling this afternoon, so I'm drinking it (hate to waste!) Even...
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      I mostly make wine from my parents excess grapes. Unfortunately they just have Concords which aren't the best grape. I'm hoping to start...
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      I've been making wine off and on for 10+ years. My parents have a large grape arbor, but they are all Concord. We gather the grapes...
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