Stories from the hospital

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2012
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NOTE: These have been super-sanitized for this forum from versions I posted elsewhere, but if you are extremely sensitive to everything, you should stop reading now. Thank you.

Man, before you get cut on, you get to see every doc in the joint. The last was a young anesthetist's assistant, who came in with 2 20-something female nurses.

"Do you have any questions before we go, Mr. Steele?" he asked.

"Yeah, take this down on that notepad you have, that I am in here for gallbladder removal and NOT to be neutered! There will be NO NEUTERING today!'

The nurses laughed loudly at that, and there was an awkward moment when the doc-kid was kind of knocked off his usual pre-op patter. PERFECT! But then he started sruibbling and said,

"I'll make a note of it in your file!"


OK, so after they slice you up, they wheel you into a room in ICU recovery where they line up one surgery gurney after another like ricks of cordwood for people to start coming around.

So I'm quietly starting to come back around, when I hear a male voice to my right shout,

"GIVE ME SOME J-D!!! Do you know that that is?"

I'm like still pretty out of it, thinking, "Holy ---, my buddy Stanley is here to my right, demanding JD just like always!"

The nurse tells the guy, "I'm sorry sir, but you can't have any of that right now."

Then I hear, "Is my surgery (pronounced "sir-r-r-r---jerry") over?"

"Yes, sir."


I turn my head to the right, thinking, "I ought to say 'Me too," and maybe I really DID say "Me, too" cuz right away, SWISH, the curtain gets pulled between us!

:) :)

'K, so then after that they wheel you into a room where your family can come in and sit with you while you are coming out of anesthetic.

The nurses were leaving the doorway and I heard one of them say, "...see how big it was? That thing was huge!"

"I know, right?" the other one said as they disappeared down the hall.

Even in my drugged state, I instantly knew what they were talking about, and my chest began to puff up and I got a big proud grin on my face, but by that time my wife had arrived.

"Geez. They were talking about your gallbladder!!!!"


My favorite Stand-up comedian Skit about hospitals!


Glad to see you back online Jim, I hope you are feeling better!
glad to have ya back, jim....nice to see you have that sense of humor....heal up, friend.....:b
Thanks for the well-wishes. I am having a little trouble getting back to well, but it should all work out.

Doc told me he has been doing this for 14 years, does about 30-50 gallbladders a week, and mine was the largest, most stone-filled gallbladder he had ever pulled. He had to make the upper incision almost 3 times wider than normal to get it out and bruised heck out of me pulling it through there. So I am having a little infection trouble at that incision, but all will be well with time.

I am forever grateful to him cuz he had good reason to switch off to a conventional approach -- a 6-inch long incision that takes 6-8 weeks to heal up from cuz it cuts through muscle -- and I am so glad he hung in there and did it laproscopically. I am way ahead on recovery from what a conventional approach would have been.

Still, it took the starch out of me and has been a slog back, except for the sweetness of a week filled with Loritab bliss! Now that I am back at work, the bliss had to end.

Appreciate the thoughts of everyone and your funny comments, as well!

Next up is a bunch of dental work. Gotta get all this stuff done before I lose my job and insurance! It cracks me up to think that this year is the first year I have ever called on my health insurance to this degree, and it's the year I'll lose it! Ah life!

Looking forward to my first sip of wine...

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