Shipping wine to PA may be easier soon

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House committee approves shipping wine to homes from out of state

May 9, 2012 11:43 am

By Tom Barnes / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
HARRISBURG -- The House Liquor Control Committee today approved a bill to allow out-of-state wineries to ship their wines directly to Pennsylvania purchasers, instead of shipping the wine cases to a state Liquor Control Board store for pickup by the buyer.

Because of a five-year-old court decision saying that in-state and out-of-state wineries must be treated the same under law, the bill also allows Pennsylvania wine makers to direct-ship their products to buyers in other states provided the other states allow it.

In the committee-amended version of House Bill 845, offered by state Rep. Curt Sonney, R-Erie, in-state wineries would have to begin charging the 18 percent Johnstown flood tax on products shipped in state, something that isn't required now. Out of state wineries would also have to charge that levy, which would go to the Liquor Control Board and eventually to the state treasury.

The state's 6 percent sales tax would also have to be charged on wine purchases that are shipped directly to customers.

Mr. Sonney said his bill probably won't come up for full House action until the fall. He said he expects an ongoing battle over privatization of state liquor stores to occur in June, forcing a delay in action on his bill.
Let's not get too excited. This IS Pennsylvania, ya' know!
I favor these laws because it brings the law in line with what is actually occurring. It's all about the money, of course, and the states wants to collect their taxes. But really, the shipping is happening anyway. I have received wines shipped to my state from wineries elsewhere, and that is illegal here. Plain brown wrapper, no problem. Don't ask, don't tell.

Cheers to Pennsylvania, and I hope it happens.

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