oak barrels or oak chips

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Oct 23, 2014
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40 mile yonder & PLUM NOWHERE
I like to know if it'd be advisable to put wine I've been aging now for little better then a year,
it's a red country wine elderberry, black berry, strawberry blended or would it make better since to use white oak cubes that's been burnt black, or heavy charred, or medium charr or light char,, if I purchase a barrel how many uses can a man get outta a barrel, I've wondered id charred wihite oak cubes might be better fot me, I try to produce from 50 to 100 gallons a year, then I try to put 3/4 up for long trem storage most especially my elderberry wines, the old timers spoild me, elderberry needs at the very least 10 years under ground, you use decent plastic trash cans fill with wine bottles silicone he lid for air an water tight tomb ,, you put the bottles right side up an upside down, then you bury the trash cans on their side that ensures all bottle corks are covered by wine, as long as the holes are at least 5 foot deep your good on your temp's
i'm leaning to cubes in my carboys then vacuum out an filter the wine and bottle to put in trash cans,,, yes,no,maybe,,, heck I aint sure all the old timers are now dead,,,
A barrel will age faster than 10yrs in bottle, but you have to keep it cool. Dig yourself a 15 ft deep concrete bunker and you will have a place to put your barrels and to cool off in while tasting in the summer!
that's why I keep 1/4 r from 12 to 25 gallons a year to drink, but one of these days not to far down the road i'll probably not be able to produce any longer, that's what the rest is being store for, but will oak help country wines much, I am not like the purist on here that make wines of world class, this hillbilly is a pass the jelly please, boonies hat, denim overall bibs, i'm not by no means trying to equal these people, i'm the first to tell you I am not of that high a caliber , I am just looking for something my country folk friends and I will enjoy when I fire up my off set stick smoker, many have bigger no one has a better smoker then mine, equal maybe but not better, I only wish I had those metal skills, before my body gave up on me, I was a top craftsman in laminates, custom trim, i'm, qualified residential electrician an plumber and a federally certified carpenter, as well as commercial carpenter, and a few other things, but man would I love to meet the man that built my smoker, one thing I know about this craftsman, he built this smoker with all the love in his heart, it dose bother me that this smoker I got from a very bitter ex. but someone was gonna get it, but if I every meet that man i'll have my hat in hand head bowed while telling him how much I respect his work, and in my book it was a high price to pay to be rid of his ex, in 20 minutes of talking to her I aint sure had she been mine I might of stuff her in it, chained the lid shut and lite the fire box, I do not believe in harming women, but I believe with all my heart that had it been me in his shoes I might of went for life in prison, you ladies know same as the men folk, that their are a few of both men an women that need well something they're begging for, whew I hope and pray I have offended no men nor ladies, I was raised to say yes ma'am/sir,, no ma'am/sir, hold the door for both women, men, and children, I was raised to respect all life, I was raised with consideration for all life , i'm so far from perfect, but god said you don't have to be perfect, but to strive to be a meek, moral and respectful person, soe time because I live alone in the deep country I type your ears off, i'm sorry, please forgive my ramblings, but like I've said many times if my rain rattled it'd sound like a BB in a box car, if my brain was gasoline it would not run a ants motorcycle have way round a BB, if my brain was C-4 it would not blow a ants runny noise,,,,,:sm:::d

I'd rather just drink it.!
oh an BTW I might as questions more then once, all the medications these so called experts destroys my short an some long term memories. but what can you say but each and every day I awake is such a blessing from GOD to little ole me, and I thank an praise him for every extra day is a gift from GOD to me,
Here is a test to see if you like toasted oak in your country wines. Don't use chips, use cubes (beans).

Put three toasted oak cubes (1/2") into any of your wine bottles. Let it sit 2-3 weeks and taste the wine. If you like the results then put 90 cubes (1 cup) in a 5gal carboy for 1-3 months.