Mystery Wine

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Dec 28, 2009
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Hmmmm. I've been bottling wine in 375 ml bottles to be used as favors for my nieces wedding. I only bottled 2 types of red wine, a petite syrah, a Barbera and a ruby cabernet. The first 2 I only bottled a gallon of each. Any extras that didn't make it into cases I wrote what the wine was on the sides of the bottle with a sharpie. I was just in the cellar and located 2 bottles in a milk crate that have no names on them and I have no clue what they are. The don't appear dark enough to be the barbera and I have 4 un labeled bottles of Petite Syrah from the gallon on the bench. COuld be Ruby Cab, but I have 2 of those sitting on the bench that didn't go into cases after bottling 5 gallons. Guess I'll just have to give them some time to age and open them so I can figure out what they are.