Leaf discoloration & tiny insects on young vines

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Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
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Hi all,

The basics:
These Petite Sirah own rooted vines from UC Davis were planted very late in the season last year, around September, so they aren't even a full year yet. We live in the northern part of the Lodi, CA. AVA.

The issues:
In the last few weeks, I've noticed some leaf discoloration on a few (but not all) of our backyard vines.
First there were some yellowing, with green veins so I applied some Ironite Plus spray. That was about 10 days ago and seems to have stopped any additional yellowing.
Then, I noticed the holes in the leaves and took a closer look. I found some very tiny brownish/reddish little insects that looked like "typical" green aphids (but where not green). I was going to spray with a sulfur insecticide, but the label said not to apply when the temp was near 100F, and it was. So instead, I sprayed with Organicide. The next day, I noticed the leaves had this brownish stuff on them, perhaps residue from the Organicide, just not sure.

I haven't seen any new yellowing of the leaves, or any new holes in them (from the insects).

The questions:
Should I leave the vines alone now, or should I remove the damaged leaves (even though their aren't many on the young vines)?
Is there anything else I should be spraying/applying on them?



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Without being able to see the insects, this is just a guess from what little information you have provided. It is possible that what you have are mites and require a miticide to kill them.
Thanks for the reply!

I looked to see if I could find any more of the little critters on any of the leaves, but could'nt find any so the spray must have worked.

Doing a little research into mites on grapevines, it seems to me that they were possibly either European red mites or Spider Mites.

As I recall, they looked a bit more like the Spider Mites, but I don't recall seeing any of the "tell-tale" webbing that I guess they are known to produce.

In any event, I think you were on to something there by suggesting they might be a type of mite.

Hopefully, they don't return while the vines are still so young.
