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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Driven from the warmth of South America by the days length... Millions of songbirds fly North to mate and raise their young as well as enjoy the marvelous summers in North America....

Unfortunately millions met their fate in Minnesota this spring....


Millions of songbirds died from our late snow storms and the lack of food....

Many birds like Tree Swallows feed 'on the fly' and there was no insects for them to eat. Other birds like Bluebirds will 'make do' and eat seeds if necessary to survive.

We have 30+ Bluebird houses and usually are entertained by Tree Swallows and Bluebirds all summer long. So far....we have only two [2] pair of Tree Swallows that we have seen...and now wonder what they are eating to survive....we still have much below temperatures.

We do not have leaves on the trees yet...

have seen one [1] Bumble Bee and the flowers are scarce for them to feed on.

The usual birds at the feeder are not there...We did see 2 yellow Gold Finches....I blamed the below normal temperatures....but...maybe the birds will not ever some.....

The year that the music died.

So much for Global Warming.

Edited by: Northern Winos
What a shame We have a ton of the Gold Finches down here. I had to go out twice this week for more bird seed as its disappearing out of the feeder at enormous rates. I love having birds flying around at all times with the chirping.
The birds and the bees are going strong here as well. I have been seeing all sorts of birds. More nesting ducks and geese than I have ever seen. I even saw a Blue Heron this afternoon fly over low. They like to fish in our brook. The apple trees have started to blossom and I saw more bees today in them than any time last year-and this was the first day the blossoms opened!

Hope your birds make it back and stay!
Ive seen a lot of gold finches and cardinals out on the feeder, few bluebirds...many did make it!
I have purchased over 150# of bird seed this year. Have had a yard full of all types except for the hummingbirds. Have had only two so far and do not see them that often. I have out 4 feeders for them too.
Usually May 10th we put out the hummingbird feeders....Not this year.

Most years the Oriole's are here first begging oranges and grape jelly as well as their own syrup feeders....Not this year....yet.

Have still been feeding the birds....just not the usual numbers and varieties.....continue looking for our fine feathered friends and hope to see the 'flying flowers' of the Gold Finches, Scarlet Tanagers, Indigo Buntings and more....

Mother Nature is being pretty cruel up here on the high lands....Below normal temperatures for such a long period....
Oh Well....we get what is dished out to us.