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  1. gmac52

    Port Wine vs Dessert Wine

    Where I am I can’t buy a port wine kit (something about copywriting ), they sell the same kit but call it a dessert wine
  2. gmac52

    Newb with newb mistakes and newb questions

    Any recommendation on brand?
  3. gmac52

    Taking wine to and through Canada to Alaska

    Not sure how accurate it is but I was told once that as long as you declare a value the on ice is on them to prove you wrong. So as long as you use a reasonable value for home made, you should be fine. Again this unsubstantiated info.
  4. gmac52

    Show Us Your Pets

    Always the little helper
  5. gmac52

    Hello from Calgary

    Around 18% - 20%, I think that’s what a wine kit should achieve
  6. gmac52

    Hello from Calgary

    A dessert (port) wine for sure, and probably something along the lines of a peach mango
  7. gmac52

    Sanitizing and K-meta Contact Time

    Why add the citric acid? I don’t understand the purpose
  8. gmac52

    Hello from Calgary

    Blackberry raspberry and blueberry, kept it simple for my first try
  9. gmac52

    Scaling up

    I vacuum transfer,no lifting involved,quick and easy
  10. gmac52

    Hello from Calgary

    I’ve made a couple of wine kits and ready to bottle my first one gallon of fruit wine, if it turns out larger batches to follow.