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  1. Gracie

    Uh Oh, I Made Rocket Fuel

    Thanks again, everyone. I just tasted this again. It definitely burns and it's definitely sweet, though not as sickly sweet as my first impression the other day. At .992 SG it shouldn't be sweet. My thought on that is that it probably has to do with the temperature fluctuations of the room. With...
  2. Gracie


    I think 1 bottle per guest is entirely reasonable. Remember that people who drink moderately may drink more on a special occasion. People who drink heavily will drink even more, and people who rarely drink will at least pour a glass, whether they drink it or not. Better to have too much wine...
  3. Gracie

    Uh Oh, I Made Rocket Fuel

    PS In my limited supply cupboard I also have dried elderberries, plus any of the usual fruits available at a moderately dismal grocery store. Worth adding? Or save it for a different batch? I'm not really going for something replicable, just trying to turn a trainwreck into a masterpiece. LOL...
  4. Gracie

    Uh Oh, I Made Rocket Fuel

    Update: yesterday I took the SG reading and it was about .992 which roughly gives me around 16% ABV I think. I say roughly because I'm nowhere near my notes to find the starting SG reading. I think it was 1.114 so... 1.114-.992*133= 16.226. It burns going down and is sickly sweet. I am...
  5. Gracie

    Uh Oh, I Made Rocket Fuel

    Thanks all. I did use Lavin1118. I really appreciate the help. I'll let it ride itself out as far as it wants to go and then make up my mind which way to go to salvage it. Btw I was figuring the potential alcohol by assuming it would ferment dry to .990. So 1.114 - .990 x 133 = 16.492 I'm still...
  6. Gracie

    Uh Oh, I Made Rocket Fuel

    Thanks. I'm also wondering if I can let it ferment dry, then split the batch and just back sweeten with plain grape juice, using sorbate and k meta to keep it from going back into fermentation? Sent from my iPad using Wine Making
  7. Gracie

    Uh Oh, I Made Rocket Fuel

    I started a batch of my usual closet hooch from red grape juice yesterday. I'm new to using a hydrometer, have only had it for the last 2 or 3 batches, and I've learned that my usual recipe is yielding a finished product much lower in alcohol than I wanted. I have been getting about 9.5% ABV...
  8. Gracie

    Underground Recipe Feedback?

    I do have Kmeta, but the lychee we have here is 100% juice, pasteurized. The logistics of using whole fruit here are prohibitive. As soon as my hydrometer gets here I'll try my hand at a gallon.
  9. Gracie

    What's for Dinner?

    Sashimi tuna, and all kinds of other great sushi at an amazing Japanese place in the neighborhood. My tummy haz a happy.
  10. Gracie

    What R you doing today?

    I had a rare day off, so after shopping and errands I tasted a white I had backsweetened. It has gone back into fermentation, so I will try again in a week or so. Had drinks with my landlords who distill their own versions of everything under the sun. Tonight was a spiced bourbon with lots of...
  11. Gracie

    Underground Recipe Feedback?

    Thank you so much Paul, that makes it easier. Salcoco, I'm glad to hear that. I just put 5 gallons of Apple wine to bed 2 days ago. I'm wondering what lychee juice would be like? Lord, we have it coming out of our ears here.
  12. Gracie

    Underground Recipe Feedback?

    Thanks Pam, that's very helpful! I'm going on the hunt for some more white grape juice tomorrow, and my hydrometer should be in the mail in the next day! Also, is there a different way to sort threads in this forum? Like can I sort them by newest first, etc? right now it's all in alphabetical...
  13. Gracie

    What's for Dinner?

    Brisket tacos snarfed down at my desk (on night shift).
  14. Gracie

    Underground Recipe Feedback?

    Thanks Pam. I am ordering a hydrometer tonight. A huge problem is that the juices available here are all over the board in their sugar content. Today I found apple juice that ranged from 17g of sugar - 46g of sugar (per serving? per liter? I can't remember and I'm not home to look at the...
  15. Gracie

    Apfelwein (Hard German Apple Cider)

    Thanks Miles! Sent from my iPad using Wine Making
  16. Gracie

    Underground Recipe Feedback?

    I posted in Introductions that I'm making wine in a place where it's... Um... Illegal. The guy who taught me how to do it passed on the recipe he'd tinkered with for years. So I've been doing it backwards, just following this recipe without really knowing many of the hows or whys of what it is...
  17. Gracie

    Apfelwein (Hard German Apple Cider)

    Thanks for sharing this! I just put 5 gallons of it to bed this morning. I used Champagne yeast per a suggestion on YouTube but otherwise followed your directions. Any thoughts on the use of Champagne yeast here? I am the greenest of newbies at this. Sent from my iPad using Wine Making
  18. Gracie

    Hi all

    Thanks for the welcome! I am in the ME, but like someone said, this is all out there for anyone to see, so I won't elaborate further. I hope that doesn't come across as cagey and diva! I do use a VPN to "hide" my IP address, mainly because so many movie and TV streaming sites are unavailable...
  19. Gracie

    Hi all

    Hi all. I live in a place where alcohol is illegal, so naturally there's a thriving underground industry here. Most brewers make the hard stuff though, I know of almost no one else making wine besides me. I've been doing this for about a year, but I've done it all backwards. A coworker who was...