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  1. B

    ooops! I need help.

    Ok. Racked my sp into my secondary this morning. It was at 1.000. Got home tonight and it is still boiling like crazy. How much longer can this go on?
  2. B

    Secondary questions

    I've been using a product called private preserve. It's a can of inert gasses that you spray in short bursts into the headspace of your carboy and it purges the oxygen out. I picked it up at my local grocery store in the wine section. Was surprised to see it there but its also used to preserve...
  3. B

    First Try at Blueberry - Suggestions?

    Just finished racking my first batch of blueberry after about 3 weeks in a secondary. It finished at .995. I took about a half cup sample and backsweetened with honey. It was pretty tasty. Has anyone ever tried backsweetening a Bb wine with honey? I've heard of Bb melomels but that is...
  4. B

    ooops! I need help.

    I finally pitched my starter/slurry last night and It's chugging along nicely now. Started at 1.070 and 24 hrs later I'm at 1.060. It has about a 1/2 inch thick foam head on it though. Is that normal?
  5. B

    First Try at Blueberry - Suggestions?

    When did you add the raisins and what kind?
  6. B

    How do you flavor ?

    Well what I'm thinking about doing is splitting mine into 5 one gallon batches and backsweetening with 5 different flavors because I've read about so many different ones and they all sound so good. It would be to hard to pick just one!!!
  7. B

    ooops! I need help.

    I was thinking I might add a few cups of the sp to the slurry at different intervals to try to kick off the fermentation instead of adding slurry to all 5.5 gallons of sp. Thoughts?
  8. B

    ooops! I need help.

    Here is my situation. I have a blueberry wine fermented dry in my secondary. I started a sp and realized after I dumped the first 2 bottles of lemon juice that the bottles were 48 oz, not 32 oz. So I essentially have all 3 bottles of lemon juice already in my primary. I have added the 3 tsp of...
  9. B

    How do you flavor ?

    I'm starting my first sp now but I've read a lot about it and it seems the majority use juice concentrates and backsweeten with them. I've seen as many as 1 to 5 cans used. Then add sugar to taste.
  10. B

    Slurry question ?

    I have a bigger problem now. I started me sp last night and realized, after I dumped them in of course, that my lemon juice bottles were 48 oz instead of 32 oz. So essentially I have all 3 of my lemon juice bottles in my must now. Any suggestions on how to start this fermentation??
  11. B

    Slurry question ?

    Can you use the slurry from a secondary or does it have to be from a primary?