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  1. C

    when to add oad chips and how.

    My Vitner's Reserve Zin/Cab blend came with oak "chips" but it was more like sawdust. Mixed them in before pitching the yeast, and by the secondary rack they had pretty well sunk to the bottom and joined the bentonite muck. A few straggler floaters made it through the rack, but I think the...
  2. C

    HOT Secondary fermenter... Problem?

    Thanks for the responses guys.. I'm guessing the glass itself got to around 130. It got hot the whole way around (not just the side against the heater), which I figure is a bad sign. It's been about 8 hours since I turned the heater off and the carboy is still warm (probably 80ish, maybe 90ish)...
  3. C

    HOT Secondary fermenter... Problem?

    I transferred a 5l cab to a glass secondary a couple days ago after I did not witness any more bubbling. The temp was around 60 so I planned to put a room heater on it for an hour but accidentally left it on overnight! The glass was almost hot to the touch. It this batch ruined, or is there hope...