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  1. S

    Transferring from primary to secondary after Carbonate addition

    Hello all - I had planned to transfer my Pinot Blanc must from primary to a carboy since fermentation has been completed. I tested the acid today and found it to be high so I added carbonate to lower. Can I still move to carboy and add sulfite? I realize I should have taken the reading...
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    Refrigerate Chardonnay pulp after pressing?

    I picked my chardonnay grapes early this morning, crushed, pressed, sulfited and it is now settling overnight. I will check sugar, acid and add yeast and yeast nutrient tomorrow. And make any adjustments as necessary. I have 3 1/2 gallons of juice and it is in a 7 gallon primary bucket...
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    Must I add sugar? What happens if I don't?

    I am making a rose wine. I just pressed and tested for sugar and the Brix is 19. i am looking to make a dry, fruit-forward (fruity?) wine. The bees did a lot of damage to my grapes, so all i have to work with is 1-1/2 gallons. What happens if i don't add more sugar? Will I just have a...
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    help, help..Yeast Starter help -

    I just came across a thread that mentioned yeast hulls (I have) and goferm protect (don't have). I am about to start hydrating the yeast and thought I knew what to do and now I'm so confused. The wine is in the basement and is ready for yeast and I'm second guessing myself. I have white...
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    Making Rosé wine - questions on how to start

    I have a number of winemaking books but none of them have much information on making rosé. Some of my questions: When picking grapes (cab and merlot) for rosé, what should the brix be? As high as if we were making a red wine? I have been having trouble with bees and it looks like my whites...
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    Harvesting early and adding sugar. Your thoughts please.

    The bees are destroying my grapes. I don't think there will be anything left by the time the Brix is where it should be. What I would like to do is: Pick Pinot Gris either early in the AM (4 or 5 am) or very late at night with my car headlights on so I can see what I'm doing. Bees...
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    Some animal is eating my grapes...advice needed please

    We have grapes on Eastern Long Island, New York. When viewing our pinot gris row, I noticed some holes in our nets and 30% of the fruit eaten. Our consultant said it wasn;t birds because they leave nothing behind and we noticed grapes on the ground. So he thinks its raccoons but I think the...
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    Recipes for Pinot Gris, Chardonnay etc.

    Lots of interesting recipes here but what about grape varieties? Where can I find step by step instructions for making wine from Pinot Gris or chardonnay grapes (from my vineyard)? thanks
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    What happens if you don't degas

    I made a dessert plum wine that is about ready to be bottled. It is clear, smells nice and tastes great. It was stabilized and i would like to bottle. However, I now see tiny bubbles rising to the top and I'm assuming the wine needs to be degassed. My questions are: Do I need to degas...
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    White Thread-like things floating in my plum wine

    I bottled my shiro plum wine approximately four weeks ago. The wine was clear and tasted great. today I noticed that two of the bottles have white thread- like (I do not want to use the word worm) things floating in them. Anyone have any experience with this? Do I have to throw out? Or...
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    Exploding bottles info

    what exactly does exploding bottles mean? The cork is released? Or the glass bottle actually explodes? And does this happen within hours of bottling or could it happen a month down the road? Thanks
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    Viognier strange smell

    We picked our Viognier grapes 9/10 and had our first racking 9/24. followed the recipe in the Home Winemaking Companion. Reracked 12/14 and added Bocksin since we noticed an odor. Would not describe it as rotten egg smell but definitely off. At first we thought it might be just a strong...
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    Making Rosé wine from cab and merlot

    Hello all just crushed our grapes, added pectic and camden tablets. How long before I press? I know the juice has to sit on the skin - but for how long? Thanks....and if anyone knows where I can get a recipe...
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    Is it Fermenting?

    I added yeast to my pinot grigio (3 gallons) on Friday. It is now Monday and I do not see any fermenting. There was however, a loud hissing sound yesterday but no bubbling. Should I wait another day or two? Thanks
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    Fermentation vessel not filled - problem?

    I am fermenting Pinot Grigio grapes (from my small vineyard). I have 3 gallons of grape juice in a 8 gallon plastic pail. I added yeast and it is covered with plastic. After watching a video (should have watched before I started) I think I should have used a smaller pail or started the...