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  1. Gracie

    Uh Oh, I Made Rocket Fuel

    I started a batch of my usual closet hooch from red grape juice yesterday. I'm new to using a hydrometer, have only had it for the last 2 or 3 batches, and I've learned that my usual recipe is yielding a finished product much lower in alcohol than I wanted. I have been getting about 9.5% ABV...
  2. Gracie

    Underground Recipe Feedback?

    I posted in Introductions that I'm making wine in a place where it's... Um... Illegal. The guy who taught me how to do it passed on the recipe he'd tinkered with for years. So I've been doing it backwards, just following this recipe without really knowing many of the hows or whys of what it is...
  3. Gracie

    Hi all

    Hi all. I live in a place where alcohol is illegal, so naturally there's a thriving underground industry here. Most brewers make the hard stuff though, I know of almost no one else making wine besides me. I've been doing this for about a year, but I've done it all backwards. A coworker who was...