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  1. wildfruity

    When does it cease to be a hobby!?

    Woow Expect most of us can identify with the space issue. My wife started to get headaches when I started fermenting in the bedroom [lack of oxygen I expect] and the air got quite heady smelling. Scared to open the window as could chill the wine. Compromise seems to be the window cill in the...
  2. wildfruity

    Gas Explosion? Help with Suds!

    This is a bit off topic but your title 'gas explosion' reminded me of an incident I had a few days ago while cutting out some old water pipes with a grinder and made such a loud explosion I thought something serious had happened next-door, I thought the wall was going to collapse. I had not...
  3. wildfruity

    Oak powder question

    Oak powder / chips - interesting, I had already wondered about simulating the oak barrelled flavour by adding oak. As a cabinetmaker who uses oak a lot of the time for furniture making, I produce oak waste from time to time in a variety of forms, sanding dust, sawdust, fine cut planer chippings...
  4. wildfruity

    HDPE milk containers.

    Thanks everyone Oh dear, looks like I may not be able to do another batch this year after all. Next year maybe if some demijohns become available.
  5. wildfruity

    HDPE milk containers.

    Thanks LanMan It can take a while for changes to become accepted, but just look at the transition to screw lid wine bottles lately! As far as I can tell, the important thing is as little contamination as possible with oxygen, so best to fill to within a quarter of an inch of the top, and an...
  6. wildfruity

    HDPE milk containers.

    I have 5 demijohns [carboys] and have 4 filled with wine now. There is plenty of wild fruit about still and new demijohns are quite expensive. I'm thinking of sterilising well some old 3 and 2 litre used milk containers to transfer the wine into, which has already been racked twice. This will...
  7. wildfruity

    What do you folks think?

    AJ, Hi, I'm new here. What do I think? I like it. Some graphics would be good. By the way, would prefer something a bit more topic descriptive for the post rather than 'What do you think'. Could be anything really, might grab some attention but might miss some too.
  8. wildfruity

    Hello from UK

    Now that I have made 5 posts, here is the fruit press design:
  9. wildfruity

    Hello from UK

    Rocky, Funny :) There is a push to make St. George's day a bank holiday, but what with Royal Wedding and Golden Jubilee next year, it will probably have to wait at least one more year.
  10. wildfruity

    Hello from UK

    Tony, [Kleftiwallah] thanks for the welcome. RAF Halton is only about 5 miles from my house! Glad for the good changes since the old colonial period! Especially since the open doors to conversation which the internet has brought. Small world! Al.
  11. wildfruity

    Hello from UK

    jtstar Thanks. In the hedgerows at the moment here is the biggest crop of crabapples I have ever seen after the dryest Spring on record, excellent early Summer and damp late Summer. Now that we are approaching Autumn [Fall] it is a little cooler and some leaves are starting to brown a little...
  12. wildfruity

    Hello from UK

    Thanks every one you're a really friendly bunch!
  13. wildfruity

    Hello from UK

    Hi, this is my first post, so saying hello. Just started winemaking after over a 10 year break. Previously only dabbled, from shop bought kits, including a bit of kit beer making but from now on, want to make wine using real fruits, with a preference for wild ones. Currently fermenting 2...