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  1. tucker2974

    Apple pie wine

    I really would like the recipe for the apple pie wine if it not to much trouble. I was wondering if the apple taste comes through very well?
  2. tucker2974

    Measuring Specific Gravity of Fruit musts

    Depending on if the fruit were frozen like he said the cranberry was and the apple was not. Pectic enzyme will have a hard time breaking down the apple if the apples aren't crushed really fine. And I'm speaking in terms of extracting sugars and most of all flavor. It would also help if the water...
  3. tucker2974

    Place for aging

    What y'all think about a frig with all the shelves removed and a wine rack built inside it. Plus use a temp controller to keep temp about 55
  4. tucker2974

    Place for aging

    I wish I had a place in my house that stayed that cool all year. I keep it in the kitchen but lately doing some research I find the temp changes way to much.
  5. tucker2974

    Grapefruit wine

    Update on the progress on the grapefruit wine. Transferred to secondary after 1.030 gravity from the bucket. Airlock is singing and the smell isn't pleasant but I've never gotten a great smell at this point in any of my wine. The one on the left. The other is orange
  6. tucker2974

    Place for aging

    Let me ask u guys something, I been making wine for about 3 years and I have made some that personally can't be bout anywhere on earth and I have made some I wouldn't give to my worst enemy. My question is where do y'all age ur wine. Is it in the kitchen, basement , outside, frig, the weather in...
  7. tucker2974

    Dragon Blood dropping sediment

    Yea me too. I have never filtered any of my wine but this seems to easy to turn down
  8. tucker2974

    Grapefruit wine

    Sure!! First question , yes acid was just a little out of range. Actually it was patassium. Card not bicarb sorry. I try my best to keep acid levels around 6. Driving off co2 in the secondary also a good practice. As for as sweetening try this...... Find about a dozen of the ripest oranges u...
  9. tucker2974

    Grapefruit wine

    Yes it probably would. I added 2 teaspoon of patassium bicarb. Ill test it again after I rack to secondary then again every time I rack. I've made orange wine before from fruit off my trees. It came out freakin awesome. I back sweetened with a personal technique of mine and it was off the chain...
  10. tucker2974

    Dragon Blood dropping sediment

    Don't get nervous it's just some residual sugar that's falling out and also crystallized tartaric acid. It's just about impossible to remove completely. Even if u rack a dozen times u will still end up with these sediment particles AFTER u bottle. Don't worry, there's no taste affect.
  11. tucker2974

    Grapefruit wine

    Not at snowgirl. My recipe is completely shooting from the hip. I didn't count the grapefruit but I had 2.5 gallons of pure squeezed juice, 8# sugar, 2 Camden tablets, grape tannin, yeast nutrient, and enough water to make up 5 gallons. OG was 1.090. Oh and 71b 1122 yeast .
  12. tucker2974

    Grapefruit wine

    Has anyone made grapefruit wine and if so how did it turn out. Any pointers I need to know ?
  13. tucker2974

    Muscadine wine

    What should the ph be? What about tartaric acid,?
  14. tucker2974

    Muscadine wine

    So where should the wine be as for as acid level. Is there a easier way to get an acid reading other than with a acid test kit that involves drops in a vail
  15. tucker2974

    Never formally intoduced myself

    Hi Steve , My wife and I also are big into the paranormal world. I live here in louisiana and I think ur dads way of making wine rubbed off on some of the folks here too. I came to this site also to learn more about making GREAT wine. WELCOME ABOARD !!