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  1. J

    Sanitizing solution confusion

    PBW: Powdered Brewery wash. Have heard many good things, but I'm still too new at this to form an opinion.
  2. J

    Prepping corks for bottling

    Let ask this in clarification: Do corks need to be in sealed packages when purchased? For example, at my LHBS, corks are displayed in bulk in a wicker basket. No idea how long they've been out. Are there criteria I should use to inspect these prior to use? (Main reasoning is that my equipment...
  3. J

    RJ Spagnols Muller Thurgau - Elderflower Packs

    An update on progress: Day 14 Unsealed the primary for the first time in 10 days. Was a little woried that something may be a bit off, in that I hadn't seen any activity from the airlock in about 7 days. SG reads .997, so I'm moving on to the next step, racking, stabalizing and clearing...
  4. J

    Cynthiana grapes (also called Norton)

    While I can't comment on the growing of Cynthiana, I can attest that I have found two local wineries using them. One was not so bad, but not what i expected. The other produced a very nice, dry red. Hope this helps...
  5. J

    Hello from Arkansas

    I'd be happy to, but as I have picked up over the last few weeks: patience, patience, patience. And to answer the other question, Russellville. James
  6. J

    Hello from Arkansas

    Thought I should take a moment to say hello. My name is James and I'm realitively new to the winemaking process. Currently have one kit going in the primary and can't wait to get another started! Thought I should also say that FVW is awsome! Placed my first order last Thurs, and received...
  7. J

    RJ Spagnols Muller Thurgau - Elderflower Packs

    The kit contains 16g of Elderflowers, packaged in 4g ovesized teabags. They had inflated enough to cause a visable distortion to the top of the primary lid. (Don't know if that's normal. CO2 should have been able to get out of the airlock, unless one of the bags managed to cover the airlock...
  8. J

    RJ Spagnols Muller Thurgau - Elderflower Packs

    That's a heck of an idea. I'll have to remember that one for later use. I think it was a good idea to ask the members at large for their opinions on this. Tonight I opened the primary to give it a quick stir, and found all of the Elderflower bags fully inflated, with a considerable amount of...
  9. J

    RJ Spagnols Muller Thurgau - Elderflower Packs

    Quick question: I currently have a Muller-Thurgau fermenting away happily. This kit uses the ElderFlower "bags", that were added to the primary. Should they be stirred back into the must during fermentation? In researching the question, most say not to stir kits during fermentation, but that...
  10. J

    Greetings from the mid-South!

    The choice of the kit was twofold. First, my wife is a fan of sweet wines, with Reisling near the top of her list. Second, the homebrew shop I visited made me an offer I couldn't refuse. They had two of the RQ kits that were approaching the end of their shelf life. 50% off is hard to turn down...
  11. J

    Greetings from the mid-South!

    Hello and greetings! Thought I should take a moment to say "Hi." Fairly new to wine making, and I'm sure that this forum will be of major benefit in the upcoming weeks. 1st Kit in the primary now. (RJ RQ Muller-Thurgau) James