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  1. D

    Acid level in Blackberry wine.

    Sounds great then, I'll just wait it out a bit.
  2. D

    Acid level in Blackberry wine.

    I have another question about my BB wine. Should I add tannin to the wine, or is there enough in the BB's?
  3. D

    Acid level in Blackberry wine.

    Hello everyone. Today I sat out to make a blackberry wine from about 6 1/2 pounds that I had in the freezer. I made a 1 gallon batch of must, with a S.G. of 1.085-1.087. The acid level came to ~5%, so I added some acid blend remeasured. It now sets at about 6% to 6.5%. I latter read some...
  4. D

    first Pineapple Wine

    I wish we would go over to metric. Being an electronic technician by trade I find myself living between metric, engeneering, and standard notation. Not quit as fun as it sounds... lol
  5. D

    I'm in need...

    No I cannot do a 3 gallon batch. It will be one gallon... Thanks for the advise, I'll look for the recipe link latter today.
  6. D

    I'm in need...

    Hello everyone. Well now that my apple/blackberry is now into glass jugs, and my bucket has been reclaimed I am feeling the urge too do something new. I was thinking a pear wine might be nice, so I thought I'd ask here for a 1 gallon recipe if anyone here might be so kind. Thank you all so...
  7. D

    Pear wine question!!

    I just checked out that programe. Trully awsome; very helpfull tool. In fact I think it could make a great app for my pod .... lol :tz
  8. D

    Pictures of your wine.

    I have to admit I was drooling over that rack, myself. ... lol:dg
  9. D

    Fruit Wine Making

    Very cool link.. Kinda of a wine press of sorts for fresh fruit. I'll have to give it a go.
  10. D

    Fruit Wine Making

    I'll try to find the link I used to make my press. It really wasn't too bad if you like tinkering around with wood as I do.
  11. D

    Apple Wine Advice

    Pectic enzime helps but I'm not sure if it can be added after fermentation. I have always added it before adding my yeast starter.
  12. D


    Cool, is it from the grape or a kit?
  13. D

    apple, blackberry wine.. err I think.

    I could have been wrong... but close.. fist I added 1 pound, measured it came to ~1.060, I then added more not sure how much exactly to bring it to 1.080. I remeasured it the next morning, it still sets at 1.080. It is 1.5 gallons not 1 gallon.
  14. D

    Fruit Wine Making

    I did forget that, as well as clearification agents such as gelatin finnings or bentonite like just memtioned. A bottle filler might also be nice to have. I use the one I bought some time back when I brewed beer.
  15. D

    Fruit Wine Making

    Sorry just trying to help. I will make sure to keep my coments to myself. So sorry to bother you..